
Should UK become the 51st state? OR Should the UK claim back America (the new world) ?

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We can help how the world perceives America. Come on, we in the UK are a beacon of civility, USA we be lucky to have us. perhaps




  1. WE don't want you limeys.

  2. Yes we should be more allied with the USA than bloody Europe....

  3. You lost the Empire, Australia and New Zealand and Canada only pay you lip service, the queen is irrelevant in modern society and we don't want  your soccer hooligans invading our countries. I'm Australian of Irish descent, stop sending your criminals here. We stopped accepting them over 100 years ago, stop sneaking them in the back door. PS, FREE IRELAND!


  4. Why would one of the most powerful countries in the world allow itself to be claimed by the same country we separated from?

  5. neither they sould stay separate

    but, fair is fair america did win the war so if it was a choice, Uk should be the 51st state, besides USA is used to running a large country while the UK is not.

  6. I hardly think the people of Britain want to be part of America, and no we don't want to claim America back.

    To be honest the British more in common with Australia and Canada than America.

    We enjoy a bit of friendly banter with the Ozzies and Kiwis, and they enjoy a game of rugby or cricket.

    The Canadians are also much more like us Brits than Americans are.

    Canada Day in London

    The New York and New England (North East) area of America does share a common history and strong cultural bonds with Britain,  however we have less in similarity and common culture with America overall. The UK certainly has little in common with the Deep South, the West Coast,  the Mid West or areas like New Mexico or Nevada.

  7. First off i don't think the UK would give up it's sovereignty to become a state.. you wouldn't enjoy the change in justice system or method of governing...

    Second.. the UK can CLAIM America back all it wants... i don't think you have the military muscle to make it stick... and i believe our ancestors made it perfectly clear how we feel about self rule.. but if you failed to get the message we will repeat...

    why is so much of the world trying to come up with some kind of a plan for "World" government?!?! people that have to cross an ocean to get to a place probably shouldn't be making decisions as to how that place should be run.

  8. The USA doesn't want other countries.   We're already busy trying to run our own.

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