
Should UK citizens hold protests outside the Iranian embassy in London?

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Should UK citizens hold protests outside the Iranian embassy in London?




  1. I would like to see that happen, but I don't think it would achieve anything. I don't think it would have an impact on the Iranians and I believe that the police would break up any such protests. Such things only ever seem to work in one direction.

  2. Oh yes and they should be chanting "death to iran" as they do so. Oh wait there is no England anymore.. nevermind

  3. No - what would be the point of that ?

    Only tin-pot countries with unstable paranoid regimes whip up sentiment and have activists to start embassy protesting.

    Now Britain has stopped trying to villify "deplorable" Iran (who've had naval control of their own waters for decades), and have now gone fully diplomatic... it seems Iran is listening and we should have a non-conflict type release.

  4. IT is very un british to protest in the way for example muslims protested after the danish cartoons, which by the way i found to be very funny.

    Its funny how there are double standards that muslims apply. You cant have a funny cartoon about the prophet but yet they have playcards saying death to america or death to UK. Do you not think we find that offensive?

    NO, do not protest outside the iranian embassy. Do not waste your time. Do not give them the attention they so very much want. Iran will not influence world opinion and protesting outside the iranian embassy will not influence anyone.

  5. Virtually all protests are orchestrated and not spontaneous. Who will orchestrate it?

  6. No it would achieve nothing and would only inflame what is a delicate situation.

  7. I think the Iranians seem to forget the Hostage crisis they had in their own embassy in london!! It was our own SAS boys ordered by Maggie Thatcher that stormed the embassy and saved their collective official a*ses......

  8. Sadly I am 600 miles away in Aberdeen. Am sickened by the Government's lack of response. We should invade and Kidnap the so called president.  No point holding protests, we want petrol bombs through the windows. Burn the Embassy to the ground. They kidnapped our people. they suffer.

  9. Send the boys round to get them back. Then nuke them.

  10. To achieve what?

  11. Judging from the UK's gutless response so far, I doubt if anyone in Britain has the courage to even LOOK at the Iranian embassy, much less protest in front of it.

  12. They already are doing, a lot of people there last Sunday, fancy joining them.  Can you believe this is the country we sent men and  aid to when an earthquake struck Southern Iran a couple of years ago.

  13. No , it would just cause congestion and the Iranians would ignore it

  14. no. Iran will soon be dealt with, just as saddam was. The terrorist supporting regime, along with Syria will soon be gone.

  15. Sorry to use your question to have a pop at one of your reply sources bluerat but your contact CommonSense wants seriously f**cking in the a**e Gutless response from the brits... if it wasn't for you f**king Yanks we wouldn;t need to be in the Middle east but we are there supporting you, how about of a bit of the same from you... and dont worry about our guys in Iran the SAS will show  you how to free hostages.

  16. If they feel the need. Why not? It's perfectly legal. They certainly shouldn't be prevented from doing so

  17. why?

  18. theres nothing wrong with people protesting but it does no good ,How many people protested against invading Iraq .Our sorry Government is for once using the right approach ,Diplomacy .anything else will only make them dig their heels in and get stubborn .they are sick of the bullying they are getting from the west and its not long ago that their diplomats who were invited by the Iraqi government were  arrested in Iraq  by the coalition and as far as i know some have not been released   Any country is entitled to arrest people who they consider are not within the law this dosn`t make them Hostages  If it does how many Hostages kidnapped from Europe is America holding and Iran seems to be treating these marine and being more cooperative over the arrests than America ever is

  19. Yes, absolutely! Protests are a great, and proactive way to get your point across peaceably, and effectively.

  20. should blow it up

  21. hey guys did anyone see that handy truck full of stones and bricks that just happened to pass the British Embassy while the protest was in full swing and the telly cameras were on.

    Is there no one out there in this big wide world who would quitely tell the mullahs how pathetic it makes them look stage managing all that rubbish.

    And by the way the SAS already know what the inside of their Embassy in London looks like we should have pulled the place down brick by brick that time and built somthing useful on the site like a legal Brothel

  22. Protest. I didn't know non Muslims were allowed to protest!

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