
Should US take military action on Russia for invading Georgia?

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The US military is the most powerful in the world and supports Georgia, its democratic ally. However, in a war, Russia has 7200 nuclear weapons compared with US 5700 nuclear weapons. also, Russia has a larger air force than the US




  1. Once you open Pandora's box, how do you close it again. These are dangerous times and I don't think talking is going to cut it this time.

  2. Probably negative about nukes too. Russians are merely a shade of former USSR. Still they have enough to make Earth inhabitable in half an hour.

    There should be some independent proof, not just Georgian claims. E.g. Sarkozy can confirm or deny russian advance on Tbilisi.

    Still I don't think they are still on offensive, take a look on google earth. Georgians report they have left Gori two days ago. There is 60 km from Gori to Tbilisi... If russians were that stupid and straightforward to continue offensive, Tbilisi would be under seige now.

  3. we should discontinue encouraging Georgia's provocations  

  4. the U.S  should and is taking action. right now the U.S just sent humanitarian aid to georgia. besides, they are the only democratic nation with in the region. freedom comes with a price and since they're pro-western we should. but if we do, it'll be the beginning of the new world order.

  5. Please do better research prior to posting things like this, but I will answer anyways.

    The reason behind Russia having a far superior number of nukes is because their nuclear arsenal is less accurate and less reliable then the USA's arsenal.  After the Cold War ended the USA and Russia went over strategic arms targets and learned that Russia (USSR) had targeted 5-10 missles at any one USA target just incase the others did not reach their destination or failed to detonate.  The USA missles are far more reliable and have a much higher accuracy.

    You also failed to take into account the USA's stockpile of tacticle nukes.  These missles and warheards have amuch small payload, but are used to take out military installations and launch sites, before the Russians can launch their missles.  These are loaded onto B-2 Bombers and nuclear subs for stealth delivery.

    As for the Air Force the USA has a larger air force and Navy.  Only thing is we have to get those assests into position to attack Russian Targets.

    Should the US/NATO military forces take military actions against Russia for what they have done, only as an absolutely last resort.  Until all other means are exhausted military use should be prevented.

    However Russia has agreed to a cease-fire with Georgia so attack would open a war.  So there would be no reason to send forces there to help now.  The problem is though is you have to be able to land ground forces to aid Georgia, something that is rather hard when you have no bases in the area.  Many people do not realize the logisics it takes to get military pieces into place to help in a war.  Technically the USA could send forces from Iraq through Turkey in Georgia, but then we would distrupt what we are doing in Iraq, but those would probably be the nearest battle ready ground forces.

  6. No.

  7. Absolutely.  Georgia is being slaughtered.

  8. First of all, Georgia is a bad ally and it's not really democratic. I have a couple of Georgian friends and they have a very low opinion of President Saakashvili. He drove the country to the levels of poverty it had never seen before. Second, Russia was trying to protect innocent people during the conflict with Georgia. U.S. will never take any military action against Russia. However, it will play this card in its favor. It's a big political game.

    Thirdly, don't believe what you see on CNN, Fox, etc. Use sources that are not biased with propaganda.  

  9. I want to say yes(because Russia is saying "Pick a side or else") but if we do, then the US citizens won't be safe. I think Russia just needs to stop starting trouble and end the fighting.

  10. Yes.  Not necessarily AGAINST Russia, but we should definitely deploy troops to the country to protect the capital and the borders.

    And 5700 nukes vs. 7200 nukes doesn't mean anything.  It takes much less than that to obliterate everything on the surface of the earth.

  11. i never knew russia had 7200 nuclear weapons ._. and doesn't the us have hydrogen bombs? and didn't russia already stop attaking georgia?

  12. I'm sorry but whoever made this question I dont think you understand that 5 nuclear bombs would litterally blow up the United States. Besides where are your sources for those numbers.

    I dont think the US should take military action on Russia. Things will calm down eventually. The best thing to do is send aide to Georgia if you do have a problem with Russia, which is what Bush did. The tension is so high i cant belive it. I understand why Russia is doing it but really invading all the way down to Tbalsi. Thats going to far.  

  13. First of all, why do you think, that military activity around South Ossetia is US business or do you what to kill an other 1600 citizens in Ossetia as Georgians did ?

    About nuclear weapons. With 5700+7200 nuke you can kill all planet 20 times. It's better live in peace :)

  14. No. Russia is only reacting to Georgia's attack on Ossetia. Almost 2,000 Russian citizens have been killed by Georgian troops. Russia is hitting back now.  

  15. Georgia started it Remember never poke a stick at a sleeping bear that's why bush hasn't done any ting about it

  16. WOW! It sounds like you don't know that US and Israel backed Georgia attacked first...I guess that makes you just another clown who has acquiesced to jew propaganda and is spreading it as dis-info.

  17. Negative about the Air Force but correct about the nukes.  The USAF is the largest Air Force in the world.  However all those nukes aren't built 1st-Class as ours.  If they were to launch a nuclear warhead from Siberia or the Urals, it will probably hit Moscow!  Since Russia violated the cease-fire, and few other violations of the North Atlantic Treaty Act, I am sure we would agree to help defend Georgia.

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