
Should USA interfere in the war between Russia and Georgia?

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Should USA interfere in the war between Russia and Georgia?




  1. No we shouldn't.  Since this exposes how useless NATO and the Europeans are, we need to get out of that treaty also.

  2. What is it with the yanks, they cause more conflict's than a bloody social worker, and like them, they are uesless too.

  3. It's a volatile subject at the moment.

    On one hand Georgia has helped greatly with the War on Terror in the Middle East.

    While on the other the U.S does not want to go into war with Russia, because this would inevitably lead to severe casualties.

    US Marines have trained Georgians, and the Georgians are not calling off there attacks even though Russian Tanks are advancing.

    The US has an alliance with Georgia but I'm not sure the US will be able to do much without being scrutinised by Russia.

    In the mean time the US/UN should focus on mediating the issue and put a stop to the war before more innocent lives are lost.

  4. Only if they move into Florida

  5. If the weak Europeans had allowed Georgia into NATO this never would have happened. History repeats itself and the Europeans will once again let the Soviet Union come to be.

    But no, if Europeans are too weak to prevent this from happening again, the Soviet Union is exactly what they deserve.  

  6. I do not know !

    But it look like it is in the play book !

    We need that pipe line and so does the Jews !

    It look like we are heading for a full scale War !!!!

  7. NOOO,becuause it,s not us job to police around the world and it's problems...that is united nation job!!!also us got iraq and afghan to deal with...hope bush won't involve us w/ iran too...

  8. no but we must judge  Georgian president saakashvilly like a n**i.

    He declare war against free osettia and now there is genocide of osettian people. click english ver on the left of the site

  9. I don't think it is going that way, one war after another.

    When you have to win something, like america is doing, you will start every war.

    America wants to use first all foreigner oil before they start using their own and getting independent from the rest of the wold.

    And If the world has problems like we have now woldwide, the only solution how bad it sounds, is starting a WorldWar.

    Remember this for the people on the street it is a time of suffering and getting killed.  For the politicians it is time of making profit.

    War is business, if the mass understand that or not, this is the fact.

    You think they care about the mob, forget it.

    So my answer is America and NATO have to stay out of this, but I fully have doubts if they will do this.

    This war is planned 20 years ago.

  10. No, it will spark another world war

  11. The US will indeed get involved, but not with use of its own military. There will be diplomatic communications indicating that it would be unwise for Russia to proceed on its current course of actions. Most likely the US will as it always has done with its allies in conflict: supply them with arms, surveillance, intel etc etc. The U.S and Russia have an unspoken agreement where direct involvement in each others conflict is a direct act of war and both have always been coy about direct confrontation IE: the cold war and subsequent spheres of influence skirmishes for obvious reasons.

    The fight is not the US's fight to fight, it is that of the U.N. however it is most unfortunate that the U.N cant even get out a "Statement" about the situation, however that is a different question all together.

  12. No - Europe should though as they are the net losers here!

    Russia is trying to annex and block Georgia from having another oil pipeline to Europe - ie Russia wants to control Europe's energy. This is very bad news for Europe and democracies world-wide

    BTW - The cowardly socialist European leaders who wouldn't admit Georgia into NATO a few months back - despite the Georgian president's pleas then that this would happen - should be beyond ashamed of themselves!


  13. No! I think we need to finish one none-of-our-business war before sticking our noses into another one.

  14. No. If USA help Georgia, russian forces will have to attack them too. War between USA and Russia? You want WW3? No, thx...

  15. I think that NATO should lead this one as Georgia is a member if I'm not mistaken.  

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