
Should Ukraine develop nuclear weapons as a deterrent to a WW3 ?

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'Engineering an armed conflict between Ukraine and Russia, Dr Markov added'

'Moscow issues nuclear warning to Poland'

Ukraine offers satellite defense co-operation with Europe and US

'Primary energy supply in Ukraine comes from the country's uranium and substantial coal resources'




  1. Dunno mate. I hear that Lesotho is seeking 'full membership' of the Nuclear Club, so as to discourage Botswana from 'invading.' Haiti's next - they appear not to approve of the 'look' - smothered all over the Dominican Republic's 'face!'

  2. Thats just what we need another bunch of nutters with their finger on the button.

  3. If you continue your train of logic, then all nations should be nuclear to prevent attack. A horrible situation.

  4. It certainly wouldn't be a deterrent to WW3, but may be a deterrent to a possible aggressor of the Ukraine.

  5. Since you can't eat a nuclear weapon or use it as gas for the car, I think these objects should be destroyed as they fail the utilitarian test.

    As for being afraid of them. Notice how only the countries that have them actually fear them?

    Our country has not got one and we don't intend to have one. We will not be held in terror because others have them.

    As for the big bullies in this world- poo to you. We are not afraid of your penile extensions. Go stick it somewhere else!

  6. they still have some from the soviet era.

  7. You reckon it'll be a deterrent or a catalyst??

  8. Yes. It seems that Russia has slipped back into her old ways of just sending tanks and aeroplanes into any country whose people they want to impose their kind of tyranny on and whose people do not want to be ruled from Moscow. They did that in Hungary and then Czechoslovakia back in sixties and have now done that in Georgia.

    Ukraine is indeed very likely next on Putin's list to be re-occupied and tyrannised. Yes if Georgia and Ukraine had their own independent nuclear capability it could well deter the Russians. Russian tanks have not yet attempted to invade Gr eat Britain, France, Israel nor the USA? Couldthis be because tyrrants like Stalin, Hitler and Putin are not keen on the possibility of being exterminated by a nuke landing on their bedroom one night and sending them to rot in h**l, where they rightfully belong.

  9. Ukraine developed and built the SS missiles the USSR and now Russia have in their missile inventory. They continue to sell Russia parts for their rocket systems. Ukraine continues to develop and supply space launch vehicles.

    When the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991, Ukraine instantly became the world's 3rd largest nuclear power but they honored the START treaties by shipping the nuclear ballistic missiles back to Russia for destruction.

    Develop nuclear weapons?  Been there, done that.  As for restocking the empty nuclear silos in Ukraine?  Never happen as the Ukraine people do not wish it.  

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