
Should United States Law allow employers to fire a staff member for no reason?

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Currently in America it is very easy to fire someone who does not fit in with the boss or the company. Employers can fire an employee for no reason at all. He/she can be fired for no reason without warning at any time. Yes, this is legal.

But should it? If you were in Congress would you support a law that requires an employer to prove misconduct or incompetence before someone is fired?




  1. No way in the world, would I support any kind of law that makes it mandatory for the govt to control the rights of business to act as they see proper.

    There are discrimination laws already out there, which are valid. Beyond that... a business is proper to decide who should/ should not work there.

    I despise the mentality that thinks people are ENTITLED to a job. People need to qualify for a job on what they are capable of doing.  

  2. There are too many "right to work" States for this to ever pass in Congress. If government got involved, it would be even worse. This is why Government employees are all union.

  3.    The owner of a business has invested his savings and created his business.  If it sinks or sails it's up to him (or her!).

       As an employee, you bring your talents to the boss and and ask for a job.  When you quit or are dismissed you take those talents (and some that you may have acquired on the job with you.)

       Why should the Federal Government (United States) be involved at all.

       An employer (and any managers under the employer who have to explain the profitability or productivity of the people under their control) is going to keep employees they believe are contributing to the success of the company or the division of the company.  If there is a downturn in productivity or profit, the boss is going to get rid of those employees who are deemed to be the least beneficial to the company.

       It behooves an employee to work in such a manner as to improve the productivity or profit of the company or be deemed to "not fit in."

  4. Yes people should be able to be fired for any reason as long as it is not based on race, s*x, or family status (handicap etc. etc. etc)

    Someone can be competent at their job but not be a team player.  Someone may know their stuff but customers may not like them.  We should make suing people harder, not easier.

  5. Actually, I think it's important for private companies to be able to staff as they see fit.  It's possible that a new hire just doesn't share the same vision or value of the company, and I don't feel the company should be required by law to keep that person on staff.  

    While I support laws that are currently in place to protect people from discrimination, whisteblowing retribution, etc I think the government should not intervene further.

  6. NO! What gives the government the right to tell an employer who they can keep and who they can't?  Your money is not involved in creating or keeping the company running.  Where does an employee's right to work come from?  The constitution, the Bill of Rights?  If it's civil rights what is the foundation of civil rights?  Civil rights gives you the right to look and apply for any job.  If your quatlified, you are hired, if you are not an exact fit then you must be replaced for the benefit of all others employed.  All employees depend on each other to keep the company going.  The people in charge need to make the decisions to keep the engine running by putting the proper parts together.  If they don't then the company fails.  If they don't replace defective parts the engine fails and everyone loses as we have seen in the last year.  There is always a reason for hiring and firing!  That goes from CEO to janitor. Government can't keep its own house clean and you expect them to direct private companies?  I would hope this question was posted for purposes of honest discussion and not the feelings of the asker.

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