
Should Vegans stay away from doctors, drugs, and medical procedures?

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I ask this question because many on here are quick to say that animals are off limits when it comes to testing or training medical professionals.




  1. Yes they should if they are truly vegans,much medication is made with animal ingredients,gelatin is made form animals and it's in alot of meds. Most of us vegan or not should stay away from doctors and medical procedures and meds,go all natural. Mother nature has give us all we need to be healthy,just use what she gave us and stop destroying it.

  2. It's really up to them. Yes Nature can offer us a lot, but without all the new medical treatments life expectancy would be much lower, and people in general would be at higher risk of serious consequences when getting something as simple as a cold. (Think back to times before medical technology.) It comes down to the question of "What's more important, proper treatment of animals, or my health?"

  3. no. Vegans have their different reasons for being vegan, not just animal testing.  My reason for becoming a vegan, for example, was that I became allergic to animal products and all meats.

  4. I'm sure some vegans do, but I don't think it's necessary.

    Should those who support human rights refuse to drive on roads that were built by slaves? The reality is, many things in our society came about through the exploitation of others.

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  5. No.

    Being a vegan doesn't mean being a martyr; it means doing all you can to minimise your personal contribution to animal suffering and exploitation. Sacrificing your health or your life is not required.

    In cases of serious, life-threatening illness or accident, refusing medication is not vegan, it is stupid.

    I asked yesterday what people would do in those circumstances. Interestingly, none of the people who usually say they are against all animal testing replied:;...

  6. no. doctors' jobs is to help you. and I'd definitely rather have stuff tested on animals than humans, wouldn't you?

    I totally disagree with animal abuse, but at some point you have to make a decision. are animals' lives worth the same as humans'? i don't think so.

  7. There are no easy answers.  The law requires that medications be tested on animals, with no requirement that it be tested on non-medical items.  I'd like to see science work toward obviating animal testing, but that's a long way off.

    And if medication is necessary to save someone's life, that person should take the medication.

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