
Should We Follow The Nepalese Example And Abolish Our Monarchy?

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  1. Tourism is VERY important to the British economy and many tourists come to see the Queen, the Castles and the ceremonies.

  2. Nepal ahd to abolish the monarchy due to internal political struggles and the King still had a lot of power. Britain is ruled by the Government, the Queen is just a figurehead.

  3. You better not.

    George Bush would run for President.

  4. Yep.

    It should have been done years ago.

  5. Worth a shot, make a great hotel would the palace...........

  6. YES. YES. YES.

    Think of the money not being wasted anymore.

  7. No.......and if it did happen I think many would be sorry

  8. The Monarchy makes No decisions, and yes, kick the whole F...ING Lot out. Let them get a job. The queen would make a nice toilet lady at MC Donald's...

  9. Our Monarchy isn't the only one who makes decisions.

  10. The Nepalese monarchy hasn't been abolished yet and the King remains the country's First Citizen.

    It would take a lot for the British to abolish the Monarchy especially during the reign of the current Queen.

    In my opinion, the British should retain the Monarchy for as long as it works for the country. It is a great institution and we have been very lucky to have had Monarchs who have worked very hard for Britain during their reigns and also who have helped the country through very difficult times (like WW2) by being a focal point for the people.

  11. The whole concept of "royalty" is an insult to humanity. The underlying belief is that these people were set on Earth, by god,  to rule the rest.

    I could go on for pages but my main irk is "why do Brits doff caps to a bunch of Germans, sorry, now we've got a Greek in there"

    The Bolsheviks had the right idea but I wouldn't kill them. Put them on the dole, into a council estate and let them work for a living.

    For my fare and 50 quid a day I'd open any bridge/hospital/council office and they wouldn't have to build a special loo for me.

    Only thing is, the tabloids wouldn't sell so many papers without the shenanigans of a load of adulterous, drunken Hitlerites.

    Bring on the republic and then we can get rid of that idiot Paisley too.

  12. our monarchy  is interesting and entertaining. where would london be without the changing of the guard, or a royal wedding/ funeral. its all good stuff.  and i love it.  prince charles will make a lovely king one day if he ever gets the chance. long live our monarchy.

  13. Abolishing the Monarchy of Nepal was forced upon a weakened government by the extremist left. They said that the would only co-operate in forming a government and offering to stop terrorism if the Monarchy was disbanded. It's typical of the way the extreme left operates. Read the history of the Balkan countries taken over by communist subversive actions, 1945 - 1952, and you will see an exact parallel.

    No, we should not abolish the UK Monarchy. Only UK republicans want this, because the little dreamers want to have a place in power. There's no guarantee that Blair or Brown would be president, it could well be a Scargill type person.

  14. You can follow who you like. As for "abolishing the Monarchy" I think you are talking out of a hole in your head. The only way you could achieve this in Britain is by wholesale civil war and utter carnage. I for one, like the law, the government, the armed forces and the security forces am 100% behind my Sovereign.

  15. As an American my opinion is that you would lose far more than you gain by dissolving the monarchy.  The UK governments would continue to operate basically as they do now, it would not affect taxes favorably, as the Royals appear to bring in far more than they cost, not only in tourism but in interest about England in general.

    Frankly, I've been to England, and it isn't the resort capital of the world.  I got to go into some of the private apartments within Windsor Castle, and enjoy everything relating to the monarchy.  It's a great show!  Think very long and hard before trying to fix something that doesn't seem broken.

  16. But who would become President, could we all agree?

    I personally am looking forward to Prince Charles becoming King, I think he would make a great king.

  17. Yes...

  18. No. There's nothing constitutional about the Nepalese monarchy, it is pretty much absolute, and therein lies the seeds of its destruction. The Queen has many constraints on her, and has little real power, other than that of representing some of the finest people on the Earth.

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