Wolves in Yellowstone have not yet taken off the endangered species list, yet in March, a new law will allow them to be shot or trapped. It is mighty hard to shoot a wolf without the help of an airplane, as is allowed in Alaska. When wolves were killed off in the U.S. years ago, they were killed by poison...as were thousands of other animals who tasted the poisoned meat.
Ranchers dislike wolves, because they have been known to attack their herds of cattle and sheep. The truth is, wolves usually attack the most vulnerable, the old and the sick. Moose herds are usually improved by the culling done by wolves.
There has never been a human killed by a wolf in the United States. They are elusive creatures and it is difficult to even see a wolf, let alone shoot it. Game officials have worked hard to bring back the wolf to our country, rescuing it from extinction. The question is, should hunters be allowed to shoot wolves before they are removed from the Endangered Species List?