My 13 yr. old daughter and my 13 yr. old step-daughter(well she won't tecnially be my step-daughter until June, but still..)have boyfriends. It is innocent. They just go for bikerides, go to movies(with me or my fiance somewhere near)and hang out at the house(in the livingroom or the kitchen).
My fiance took my daughter and her boyfriend to the mall(they wanted to go get a CD or something)and my other kids were at sleepovers or with their cousin. Anyway, it was just me, my step-daughter, step-daughter's boyfriend and his parents. His parents brought up their April break trip to the Grand Canyon(we live in Pheniox,AZ). Then they said "Gabbie, we'd love if Roxi(my daughter), Trevor(my daughter's boyfriend), Kristen(my step-daughter)to join us in the Canyons. Trevor's parents already said it was alright, but I need your consent, aswell as your fiance's."
Now, I trust my daughter and my step-daughter and their boyfriends, but I'm a little nervous. It'll be for 2 wks. and(c)