
Should We Put An End To Politics?

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How Hard Would It Be To Start Over?

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  1. I don't see how you could do that because there is politics going on all around us. There is politics being played in most organizations our Church's,our schools and in our work place to name a few.

  2. There's only one way to do away with politics, that's to do away with humanity.  I can't agree with that measure.

    I like our current system here in the US.

  3. Politics is the human condition.

  4. Escape from politics is possible only where human beings do not exist.

  5. We can definatley put an end to bueracratic politics, but even if we did abolish politicians democracy would always be needed to keep society functioning justly. Im not saying it does now, but we also dont have democracy yet. Only the rich do.

  6. no, but we do need to do away with corrupt politicians.  

    we need to be guarded with our vote.  we need to question the pie in the sky promises and how they would be financed and implemented.


    if we asked these hard questions, we would cull out a lot of mythical promises that that are made and cannot possible be kept.

    be careful who and what you vote for, that is our best solution to this issue.

  7. No, what's the substitute to having a vote in our leaders and laws if there were no politics.  It would be hard to start all over but doable.  However, I don't think everything should be scrapped.  But did you know there are plans to start all over, and everyone is quiet about it only a few things have been said by CNn and small groups.  They are merging the US with Canada, and Mexico.  This is from the executive branch or our government.  Mostly Bush's doing and his puppet or puppeteer who is in the CFR.  Don't believe me research it.  Looks as though nothing can be done about it. Supposed to be complete in 2 years, yep in 2010.

  8. You can't to do so would be to deny our own humanity.  In the words of  the Men in Black "Individuals are smart but people are dumb, panicky animals and you know it".  We need order, rules and control.  Its just the degree of that control that we disagree on.  

    Check out this blog by Bryan Caplan (below)

  9. How about an explanation as to how we would go about doing this?  This question requires a complete change in human nature.

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