
Should We help the uderprviledge class of the society?

by Guest67131  |  earlier

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I was traveling in the local train, and I got a blow from a lady passenger .She hit me in my eye as, she got a little push from me while I was trying to get through the door into the compartment. Though it was office time and the compartment was not that jam-packed, and she was standing in the door blocking the door so that no one can enter. While hitting me she was screaming you, ***** look at your figure, get out of the train”. She was black short, thin, and had a typical maid servant look. When I protested she went on using abusing languages. Some of the co passenger protested and they were telling me to kick her out of the train. The area underneath my eye is still paining after 3 hrs and it is swollen also. This is a regular occurring in the public communication and this class of people , everyday or the other they do it with us, people who come from a polish and educated background, and into some good jobs. For nothing they will use unparliamentarily words. And here we try to help them or their children thinking that they are underprivileged class. But today I had a feeling that these people are like parasite, and they think that it’s our duty to help them. Am I right or it is just the anger inside me which is giving me this feeling?




  1. Yes. It feels good but it's not easy. I know what you mean. I have to put up with it as well. It is difficult. It does make you angry and upset. I don't think you are right. I think you are angry and rightly so. Our society is so short-sighted. That is what the problem. It's all preventable. Things could be better if we made a prudent long term investment. But everyone wants it all right now. That just isn't always possible. Sometimes you need to work at it. Sometimes you need patience. Curse FedEx.

  2. I would call the local police authority about her and give a description of her.  Chances are she probably rides the same train around the same time every day.  In the USA, that is assault, and she would be thrown in jail.  By the way, we have a lot of parasitic lower class people in our country too.  They just know better not to swing blows at us while our precious tax dollars go to pay for their $20 lobster meal from the grocery store.

  3. You're angry, and I don't blame you.  But believe me others in needs would be very appreciative for assistance on occasion.  Not all of the underpriveledged act this way.  Helping others opens is good for your own soul.

  4. "Underprviledge typical maid servant." Interesting. It sounds like the poor woman had a mental problem, and you just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Get over it, not everyone has a "polish and educated background" like yourself.

  5. Rupa -- I am SO sorry. I stopped at your first sentence because when you said ``I got a blow from a lady passenger`` I was not sure if I wanted to keep reading and tried not to speculate on what sort of help you gave her afterward. If you do not understand I mean a colloquialism for oral s*x is often called blowing someone.

    So...reading on...I do not think you can generalize about a class or race of people. Some of the poor do try to make circumstances better for themselves and do the best they can. Others suffer from mental illness. Still others do not know any better. I do not think you should refuse to help one individual because of what some other individual did.

    Certainly do not go out of your way to help someone who hit you for no reason but do not refuse to help especially the children of poorer people if you can because in the future they may make good of the help they received.


  6. No, we do too much to help them already, most of them are parasites.

  7. Help them to a point but always protect yourself.

  8. Anger is making you feel that way.

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