
Should We hire a lawyer or just let it go?

by  |  earlier

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My boyfriend was on 75 south and a tractor trailer tried to switch lanes and hit my bfs 99 honda with his tires and rimes. The truck was about to stop but decided to take off instead. My boyfriend and another car tried to stop the truck but it took off and didn’t stop until it was several miles away on private property. My Bf and the other woman called the police but the woman couldn’t stay and left her information. The man agreed to my bf that he hit the car and offered him $100 for my boyfriends (almost torn off) bumper. My bf refused and when the cop arrived the truck driver told the cop that my bf was lying and he had never hit my bf’s car. The truck driver seemed to be either drunk or very tiered but the cop said that he couldn’t give the truck drive a ticket because they were now on private property! We don’t to much care about the money, but this man could have killed people today and had the nerves to leave the accident sight! I feel that he should have had his licences taken away! He might kill someone next time.




  1. were you passing the semi or just running along side of it. if along side you may have been in the blind spot. this doesn't make you wrong just somewhat not to bright.

  2. Get a lawyer and get the witness to sign an affidavit to what they saw before they forget........

    You should also get the affidavit notarized as well.

  3. He should have nailed the truck driver but   what do the rims and tires got to do with it.

  4. I'd say hire a lawyer that is a pretty big deal he could have really hurt someone

  5. either way it is a crime to leave the scene of an accident, call your insurance company and they will handle all the legisitics, and then go to your town after wards and file the paperwork to sue him in small claims.  and go to the polica station that let him go and ask them to allow you to file a hit and run and leaving the scene of an accident the cop should had never allowed for him to walk away scott free, it is the truck driver's burden of proof to try to prove that he didn't hit you, not the other wat around.  So call attorney and se if they want you to do all those things and if there is something else you can do in the mean time so this guy does not get to drive anymore..  good luck i hope that he root's in h*ll for lying and acting like he did nothing worng when you guys could be dead and he would have what just kept going.

  6. get a lawyer; thats a hit and run

  7. The cop was an idiot.  That was hit and run and he should have been arrested.

    Get a lawyer - especially because you have a witness.

    Good Luck....

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