
Should We riot if Obama doesnt win the presidentcy (black people)?

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Should We riot if Obama doesnt win the presidentcy (black people)?




  1. I know you're not Black.  I would vote for Hillary.  I would vote for ANY Democrat over ANY Fascist "Republican".

  2. Go ahead, knock yourself out.

  3. I am with nonalcoh.... on this one

    PLEASE DO, most of us are just waitting for the opportunity to rid the nation of the real racist People.....

    Give Me MO then you give whitey, cause I be's Black...and yous be ownin usin. Oh yes he did!

  4. No! If Mr. Obama wins or loses will be the choice of the people.  We need to start acting like adults and not children who cry and screem if they don't get their way.

  5. why? are they the people that where saying he isnt enough! do us all a favor leave the politics to the people that care about this country, and go back to tom Joyner and Huggy low down.

  6. Of course not... But it's a call to reassess if he fails.  He seems to have it all--intelligence, charisma, a unifying spirit about him. I heard a Black preacher on the radio being interviewed about two books he (the preacher) wrote.  He was attempting to diminish the polarizing perception that Blacks have about Republicans vs. Democrats over the issue of race.  Basically, he had spent a lifetime as a staunch Democrat, but then he became an Independent. Why? From studying American political history.  Here's his scenario from the books:

    Which party was formed on the abolitionist platform? Republicans in 1852.

    Which party opposed abolition? The Democrats.

    Which party introduced and consistently supported anti-lynching laws in the deep South? The Republicans in the 1920s.

    Which party opposed and prevented the anti-lynching laws in the deep South in the 1920s? The Democrats.

    Which party had the most supporters in Congress for LBJ's Civil Rights Act of 1964? The Republicans. (He found these records, including the speeches of the specific Congressmen and Senators with their vote count, in the Congressional Record!)

    Which party had a strong southern coalition against Civil Rights legislation during the 1950s and 1960s? The Democrats.

    His point was this: There is racism on both sides of the political aisle--and there is decency on both sides. No single party wrote the book on support for minorities.  If Obama wins, great. If he fails this time, another time will surely come, and sooner not later.  Obama is a pioneer, the second after Jesse Jackson. He is being celebrated already, win or lose. God bless him.

  7. You didn't riot when gas was $4.80 a gallon, and you didn't riot when the Patriot Act took away more freedoms  and rights than you have won in the last 100 years...

    so why do you give a c**p now?  Go home and play your video games, your world is ending as you know it.


  9. looking for a reason to riot much?

  10. That shows alot of maturity!

  11. I have what I hope you will consider to be a useful, positive alternative. Go back to school and learn to's P R E S I D E N C Y...

  12. YEP.  Because that means dat they stole this election from us like in 2000 but we didnt care in 2000 and now we do. if u were to never bring us over in Chains like animals maybe we wouldn,t be so inclined to riot when a free electon gets stolen from us. it was  a raceis question but it holds some water.

  13. You people riot if Kobe doesn't get 40 points so why change now.

  14. believe it or not...that does not scare us, anymore...are you all going out to the suburbs and riot?

  15. The blacks cant win a Basketball game without having a riot.  Why would you think any different?

  16. Why is it that the ones who always cry foul are always the ones committing the fouls?

  17. like when Al Gore won in 2000 and have been stolen

  18. Being Black is the least objectionable fact about O'bama.  The worst fact is he is Irish and may drink too much.

  19. why on earth would you do that?  rioting will not get him the presidency, and it will only make you look bad.  you ask questions like this and then wonder why there is still racism in the world?

  20. what would be the point of that? we didn't riot when Bush became president for a second time.

  21. Yes, go for it. Start in my neighborhood.

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