
Should/Will there be a sequel to Breaking Dawn?

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I don't know about the rest of you, but I really don't want the series to end yet.




  1. No there won't be a sequel to breaking dawn. Though that doesn't me there won't she won't use those character in other books. She also making a remake of the first book through Edward's view. You can check out chapter one here -->  

  2. I kind of NEED there to be another one. The fourth book was GREAT until the end. It was a seriously lame ending. Good thing Midnight Sun is coming out...

  3. the author said that there will be no more sequels but that it might not be the last book she writes with those characters also she is re-writing the first book twilight in edwards point of view!!!! sooo excited

  4. I wish that their was going to be another book but it is not going to happen... The next thing we have to look forward to is Midnight Sun... Which is Twilight from Edward point of view....

    I hope that later on she would write something about Nessi!! That would be a great book <3

  5. No, there should be no more sequels to the story. Stephanie Meyer said so herself. The ending of the fourth book did leave a few openings for more books but in my opinion it was final.

    There will, however, be at least two more books coming out.

    The "Twilight Saga: The Official Guide" book is coming out December 30, 2008 and it's a complete guide the series. I found out about it from the back of Breaking Dawn.

    There will also be a book called "Midnight Sun" on Twilight except it'll be on Edward's point of view. There's already a little bit out on the first chapter. I feel so sorry for Edward, but happy for him, too ?? -_- Bittersweet

    This has doesn't have much to do with new books coming out, but there's a new movie coming out on 11/21/08. I'm pretty sure you knew about it anyways, but oh well. It's a movie on Twilight.

    Yeah, I agree with you that the series should go on (What about "N" with "J" and the evil "V" [lolz evil V :P]) but I don't think it will. Hopefully there will be other books that tie in with the series, or maybe she'll decided to keep on going :D I mean, she wasn't planning on writing Midnight Sun at all :P But she decided too

  6. Some good things do come to an end. No, there won't be a sequel to Breaking Dawn as it's the fourth and final book of the series. It was amazing, but I can't think of any story to make it stretch out through a 7th book like Harry Potter. :)

  7. there is a book called midnight sun coming out by stephanie meyer and its twilight from edward's point of view


  9. There won't be any more books from the original twilight series, with it being seen from Bella's point of view. But there will be Midnight Sun, which is Edward's point of view of twilight. maybe there will be all of the books in that... but for now that's all that stephenie meyer's said about it

  10. Meyer said tha Breaking Dawn would be the last book from "BELLA'S POINT OF VIEW". Which means she could write more from the kid's perspective or maybe Jacob.

    Who knows there may even be some from Edward's point of view.

    I know she wouldn't let this cash cow die yet.

  11. Thank god there won't be.... And I guess that answers both you're questions. But if you really can't stand to see it end there will be another book writen in Edwards pov about the events that have already happened.

  12. I am still on the 3rd book though. And i hope the series don't end too!

  13. There SHOULD be but there wont be any more! =(

  14. yes there will be a sequel

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