
Should Yahoo Answers have a separate forum for adults over, say 25?When they delete so many questions based on

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frivolous complaints, the forum is obviously not working the way it should. Kids are so hostile at that age, they can't stand an opinion that differs from their own, and take their rage against their parents out on everyone else.

Let some lie about their age, but the immaturity of their points of view always exposes their real age.




  1. Why 25 the chronological age of majority is 21 in the UK and 18 in the US...and rage against the machine is not based on chronological age but (im)maturity...

  2. That would be great, with two exceptions:

    -- Some people over 25 are just as bad as the 14 year olds.

    -- There's no way to prove age.

  3. I only want to add that I agree with the statement of the question and the first answer both. We are stuck with 'teenagers' in the 'internets' and just have to find a way of recognizing other adults by their questions/answers.

  4. I think that there it would be better served if there was a forum for people who had a certain percentage of best answers - were a top contributor and had few or no deleted answers and violations.

    Although I would not qualify for such a forum it would give me something to shoot for.

  5. Well, a lot of people over 25 are still immature (no offence to anyone).

    And also, I think a lot of the kids learn a lot and are influenced by some of what the adults have to say. If there was a seperate forum, why would the adults want to hang out where the kids do?

    Another problem would be that there is no way to prove age.

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