
Should Yahoo Answers try to correct the disbalance between conservatives and liberals here? Cons outnumber!?

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Should Yahoo Answers try to correct the disbalance between conservatives and liberals here? Cons outnumber!?




  1. Absolutely not, YAnswers is not a numbers game.  It doesn't matter to me one iota the head count between liberals and conservatives. What should matter is that your opinion is sharp enough to slice through rhetoric and strong enough to raise the level of discussion. This forum has the capacity to challenge the standard notions or beliefs of good government.  If we focus on common sense, intellect and accountability we could have brilliant answers on both side of the aisle.  

    I don't agree with the conservative doctrine because it is always geared to suite them, but they want to change and make exceptions when they have to face their own cruelty.  Case in point, the Scooter Libby case.  We saw their rule of law with the President's response immediately after the Grand Jury ruled.  Libby was excused.  "He did nothing wrong, inspite of the Grand Jury preceedings."  I don't mind these facts being seen in the wide open and exposing their bias towards justice.  

    At the sametime, I want to hear the ACLU and Civil Rights Leaders make the case, because they too have a valid point and perhaps exceptions should be made, just like we see on the other side of the aisle, with their smpathetic characterizations of "Scooter is a good guy."  "He as written books, loyal Aide to the Vice President."

    Maybe Jenna 6 issue can have the same empathy from the mainstream press that created the environment for Libby to pay his millions and then go make millions ever so quietly in one of the more prestigious locations in this country.  The imbalance with conservatives shows thinking American people that other similar lopsided public policies that weighs in on our dailey lives can be justified because they too are such good people.  I hope that a woman, black man, a latino is accused of white coller crime and will get the same attention to detail as Mr. Libby and that our Republican Conservatives will then take a page from their own book and apply in the case of someone else the same rights and priveliges above and beyond the prosecutions court recommended punishment.  If not, then what does this tell you about Conservatives?

  2. This reminds me of a story my mother-in-law told me.  She and a friend were weeding separate rows of her vegetable garden.  The friend said, "This garden is just full of bugs! I can't stand it!"  Mom said she didn't see any bugs in her row, but there were a lot of worms, which she hated, and suggested they switch rows.  they did, and guess what?  The friend only saw bugs in the new row, and Mom only saw worms.

  3. No, what part of freedom of speech do you not understand ?

    Only a liberal would feel the need to suppress free speech  to level the " playing field " when others disagree with their point of view

  4. Level the playing field?  Would you feel the same if liberals outnumbered conservatives?

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