
Should Yahoo be paying us for our answers?

by  |  earlier

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We have agreed to publish a vast amount of information. Opinions to every possible question... for free. We have all written a chunk of a huge online opinion encyclopedia. Should they start handing out royalties, or is it considered community service (or disservice in some cases)?




  1. that's silly, it's a community forum.

  2. Interesting question!!!  In my opinion, we are here to help each other and some here just to have fun!  But yahoo could be taking this all in and using it for financial purposes... by typing here, we are giving them the RIGHT to do that...

    But, considering the quality of most of the answers I have read (and even some I have given) I think it would cost them MORE to weed out the wrong stuff ;)

    If all the answers were perfect (or close too), I would suggest we ALL get paid... but this is not the case... Even Wiki is on a volunteer basis and most of that ends up being GREAT information (by the design of how answers are written and checked by the global community - here... well, to have an answer become "the best answer" really means NOTHING as far as correctness goes... This Yahoo site is based on PUBLIC OPINION - there is NO FACT CHECKING.

    Long of the short - NO - sorry, I don't think Yahoo will be cutting you or I a check ANYTIME soon ;)

  3. Fortunately.. we live in a country of freedom of speech.   We can freely express ourselves as long as we don't hurt one another while doing so.  I personally don't  think that we should get paid for being able to speak our minds and share what we know to others.   We have the ability  and responsibility to pass on  what we know to help others in need. This is the kind of world we live in.  And i think it's great, not perfect , but great. As a whole... as long as we continue to pull together as a nation and live as one nation... the better off we would be.  So my answer to you my friend is no... i don't think we should get paid for communicating...

  4. I don't think that they should pay us. We came here by ourselves and volunteered to answer by ourselves. If you want to get paid for your answers, go to a survey site and make money answering long boring surveys-I know this because I have tried these survey sites. Hope that this helps and if you don't want to answer , then don't. I am not trying to be sarcastic, but I am just stating the facts. Good luck and peace out!

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