
Should Yahoo seperate the children from the adults?

by  |  earlier

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Honestly, aren't there any adults with any problems out there? Why is this site absolutely saturated with teeniboppers asking "how can I get him to like me" or "why did she say this" or "OMGOMGOMG!!!!!! he's so cute what do I do?" Every d**n question I click on is someone in 7th grade asking about s*x or how to get a boy to like them. Does anyone else think Yahoo should maybe set aside a teeniebopper forum for these kids so that the adults on here don't have to be the ones to give them the birds and the bees talk? Some of the questions are legitimate and I don't mind answering them, but the majority of these I click on are just stipid wastes of time as in "OMGOMGOMG he's so cute, what do I do?" As if it's some life threatening situation.




  1. funny you should say this. im not an adult but i agree with you one hundred percent. i get so annoyed with i read those types of questions. so i ignore them and answer real questions

  2. I agree with you its bad, but i also like the fact that kids can get information from people of all ages on this site. Some kids are sleeping around and they have no sexual knowledge whats so ever. AT least we can give them some information on protection at least. AS for the "does he have a crush on me?" questions i completely agree that they are annoying but i think we should jsut leave them along. I try not to answer them

  3. I completely agree with you, but I doubt they would change anything. There are so many sections that have been affected by tweens going crazy and invading. Basically the whole site is filled with kids like that. Take the celebrities section for example with its Jonas Brothers/Miley Cyrus c**p coming in every second. :/

  4. I feel you on this. They so should. I can't handle some of these questions anymore. Half of them they can figure out on their own.

  5. hahah i know, its soooo true!

  6. Well, what really gets me is when one of them doesn't like my answer and reports me!!

    Answers like: "You're only're not supposed to be here!"

                         "No, you don't date a 13-year old if you're 18!"

                          "He already has a girlfriend...leave him along!"

    If they don't hear what they want, they report....the reason usually is "Not a Question or Answer".

    It really gets to me cause I have to take the time to appeal.  I've won the appeals, tho.  

  7. I find them and their questions adorable but, I agree, it would be easier if there was a section for just adults.

  8. No I don't think so. Everyone can learn something from everyone else and it goes both ways. Maybe you should try a particular category where teens don't frequent.

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