
Should Yucca Mountain Nuclear Waste Repository project proceed as planned. Discuss.?

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Should Yucca Mountain Nuclear Waste Repository project proceed as planned. Discuss.?




  1. Yes.  Its' risk is reasonably low.  Surely much lower than doing what we do now, storing it in buildings above ground.

    We shouldn't stop looking for even better solutions, but we should start using Yucca.

  2. google your question and you will have lots of references that you can use while you write your report....

    enjoy the weekend

  3. This has no right answer.  Putting the waste somewhere must be done(a necessary evil)  Until we can safely get it off planet and traveling towards the Sun, we have to put it somewhere.  If we closed the nuke pwr plants many people would become, and stay, unemployed.  It's a no win situation.

  4. No, we should abandon this poorly thought out and uneconomical project in favor of large scale reprocessing of spent nuclear fuel.  This is the only rational approach to our obvious need for an increase in nuclear power generation.  France has been doing this for years so the technology is well established.  Heck, if all else fails we could probably pay France to do it for us.

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