
Should a 12 year old be held liable for music illegally downloaded?

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  1. Yes, and the child's parents are also liable.

  2. YES!!!!! he/she did it and got in trouble so he/she should suffer (i recored SOME music off youtube like 5-6 songs last year and did not get in trouble)

  3. Anybody who downloads music illegally is stealing.  A 12-year-old should be liable for stealing music to the same extent that they'd be liable for a first offense shoplifting (that is, imho, they should be held accountable and pay for what they took, but should not be tossed in jail or anything).  It's unfortunate that people think that just because it's easy to do that taking music is okay.  The person who made the music you listen to is just as entitled to compensation as the person who makes the clothes you wear or the food you eat...

    However, if they really had a paid subscription to some service they thought was legitimate, then the service is the one that should be liable, as the family had no reason to believe anything was stolen.

  4. Yes and so should the parents for not paying attention to what the kid was doing online.

  5. well, legally yes, as she is downloading music for free.

    my dad maked me pay for itunes

  6. I am going to pass on a comment that my dad made on prosecuting people for downloading free music..

    He said that downloading music is the same thing as as opening a package that comes to your front door with no name on it.

    Dad is 65, politician, not into the internet stuff, but says that if he or someone in our household would ever happen to be presecuted he would fight it with that defense.  Kind of an interesting thought, huh?

  7. I don't think a 12 year old should be held liable. Possibly her parents. But she's only 12! They don't realize the value of money and stuff. They should just threaten her with something smaller to teach her a lesson. Just my opinion.

  8. yes

  9. That story is from 2003 that was 5 years ago,

    Whats your problem?

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