
Should a 12 year old date a 20 year old?

by  |  earlier

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she really likes him




  1. Ummm let me think... NO!! He would go to jail and be a registered s*x offender for the rest of his life. If a teacher at school found out or another parent or a concerned friend they would have to turn him in. Tell your "friend" not to do it. And if this 20 year old guy thinks its OK to date a 12 year old he really has a sickness.

  2. no for lots of reasons


    frowned upon

    don't do it

  3. no no no becuase the 20 year old has more experience


  5. HE IS A PEDOPHILE!!!! Does that mean anything to you?

  6. Any 20 year old male who wants to "date" a 12 year old girl has something wrong with him. Not to mention it is against the law.

  7. h**l no!!!

  8. Absolutely not!


  10. This had better not be a troll.

    Certainly not.  I assume since you say "she really likes him" you're talking about someone contemporary, in the USA.

  11. NO and if I found out my 12 year old was with a 20 year old i would call an ambulance and the mortician because someone is going to die.. my 12 year old would not ever see the outside of her room again, bc that's is where she would live for the rest of her life, or mine. I was 13 with an 19 year old and my dad beat his *** then grounded me until i was 17, and i am not kidding i was not allowed out, tv, makeup, phone, friends, NOTHING, then my dad filled charges against the guy for rape and he is still in jail and i am 26

  12. Duh!  This is so wrong.  Even a 16 year old shouldn't date a 20 year old.  What is wrong with the 20 year old that he would consider dating a 12 year old.  Can you say jail bait!

  13. eww no! statutory rape!

  14. Why do i have a feeling, this is not the 12 year doing the asking?

    Any 20 year old in his right mind would know this is sick, and would scar this child for the rest of her life! If you're serious, seek help ASAP before you hurt this child or any other child and before you end up in prison.

    If you end up in prison, I'm sure the 40 year old men will really like you too! And as for the younger ones, still able to hurt you, they will. Guards let inmates beat up other inmates for this kind of c**p, & I would allow it too.

  15. No not at all....its sick, he should know better

  16. Not at all and child services should be notified if this is really happening

  17. NO

  18. Abosolutely Not!  It's a crime!  Literally!

  19. h**l no that messed up

    that guy is not right

  20. Who said he would date a 12 year old anyway? I don't think a guy that age will want to date a kid.

  21. no!

  22. 12 year olds shouldn't be dating anyone - they're children! The child should be kept far from any adult that is interested in her in a romantic way.

  23. NO WAY

  24. No! It's illegal! The only reason he probably wants to date her is so he can take her virginity. 20 year old guys are nasty and perverted like that. Plus the only reason you date is to find that special someone and i dont think your gonna find that in him. Anyways i dont think any of your parents would approve.

  25. Ok if this question is real, then no a 12 yr old has no business dating a grownup

    If your the 20 year old; Stay away from her man, she's just a little girl who shouldnt be dating anyone let alone a grownup. If you so much as kiss her, you will become a pedophile and will be in a h**l of a lot of trouble.

    If your the 12 year old; You need to ask yourself why is it that you feel the need to get with this 20 year old. It's most likely because he gives you the attention that your not getting from your home and your confusing this with infatutation. It's one thing to be friends with this guy as long as he's not looking for a quick s***w. But don't date him, hes far too experienced and most likely wants one thing; s*x. Good luck

  26. Either this is a hoax, or the asker of this questions needs to be sat down and taught some serious ethics.

    Of course not! Anything sexual between them would be illegal, and any twenty year old with an interest in a pre-teen is one to be weary of. Do you have any idea how most fathers would react on finding out that their twelve year old little girl was being sniffed at by a grown man? Not well, I can tell you. Keep her away from him, and make sure that any relationship between them is thwarted straight away. She needs to know that it's wrong, as she's still a child, and he isn't right in the head...

  27. omg no!!!!! get him arrested

  28. Um that would be illegal

  29. No , the 20 year old must be a PERV!

    What 20 year old would ever want to mess around with a 12 year old!! She probably doesn't even have her period yet! YUCK!

    Not to mention ILLEGAL!

  30. no, that's just disgusting.

  31. The fact that a 20 year old would even be interested in a 12 year old is a huge red flag!  No!  A 12 year old should not be dating a 20 year old, no matter how much she likes him.

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