
Should a 13 year old boy still buy action figures?

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Im 13 and I want to know if i should still buy figures for myself as collection?




  1. why not your a collector and u have an interest a lot of kids your age nowadays don't... take pride in being yourself.... don't grow up too fast to follow the crowd.... your doing just fine as yourself right now♥

  2. Yes! I do collect them. They are one of my collection.

    So you can still buy Action Figures.

  3. Yes. Dude who cares, honestly? XD LOL Do what you want, who cares if someone says you're too old for it. I mean SERIOUSLY look at how old the people who MAKE those figures, and come up with their design are!!! You have the right to like what you want, for how LONG you want. x3 ^_^

  4. why not. if you love it then still no problems

  5. Why not at your age i was buying alot it's like a hobby so keep it up :)

    I am 17 now and i would like to buy some new ones :)

  6. h***s yeah i do and i'm 14 i jut dont care what other people might say/ think

  7. if it makes you happy, dont give up something you've always done!!!!

  8. Certainly  a true collector has gone beyond seeing them as just a toy. Good going,collectors get my admiration,regret i wasn't smart enough to at times.

  9. Go 4 it !!! You're never too old for anything. Have fun. Pick up a copy of Toyfare magazine. It rocks

  10. Depends.....I would buy Halo action figures but lol ya. Idk its up to you.

  11. Yep, go for it if you enjoy it, but do it for that reason and not in hopes that they will be worth allot of money one day. Most action figures today are produced in such high quantities that they will never be worth more than the price you paid. Older action figure (1980s, 70s, 60s) lines are a different story though.

  12. I agree with most everyone else here--why not? If you enjoy them, it's okay to buy action figures at ANY age. Play is good for your mind. We should play all our lives.

    As a collection...too much STUFF is a pain to deal with. But if you're organized and don't have a lot of clutter, a collection like that is fine.

  13. My husband is 36 and he still collects them!

  14. Do you still enjoy purchasing and collecting the figures? If you do, go for it!

    I'm a 23-year-old woman, and I still buy and collect action figures. Age shouldn't have any bearing on whether or not you continue your hobby. As long as you get joy out of it, that's all that matters!

  15. Yeah man as long as they are Halo action figures they are actually really cool plus you can make a lot of money off them in the future!

  16. Buy them but leave them in the package. In the future they will be worth alot more money that way.

    Also, there is nothing wrong with buying them...full grown adults buy them for themselves.

  17. I am not an action figure collector, but I have seen 17 year olds collecting those things. If it is a hobby (not an obsession) then it is perfectly fine to pursue it. Whatever makes you happy.

    Hope I've helped!


  18. in that case.. i say YES. when we do something that we like, it will reduce our stress and make us happy. the collection make ourself special because, maybe we only the one collect the action figures in our neighbourhood.. you must proud of your collection.must.

  19. i think u should keep on collecting! its a hobby so go 4 it!

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