
Should a 14 year old be allowed to go to a concert?

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I'm 14, and I want to go to some heavy metal and rock concerts, such as: Dragonforce, Velvet Revolver, My Chemical Romance, Motorhead, Motley Crue, Disturbed, Lamb of God, As Blood Runs Black, and Pantera, to name a few.

I'm not going out there alone...I want to go with some friends, but I really don't know anyone with similar music taste. My mom MIGHT go with me to the Velvet Revolver concert...but she said I can't go with my friends, and I really want to see these bands live.

What do you guys think?




  1. You're old enough.

    Ive been going to conerts for 2 years and im almost 12.

    Those concerts in fact, Maybe start with something like Warped Tour...or a group concert?

  2. You should be allowed to go to concerts by yourself. You're old enough.

  3. Well if you really want to see the bands live then go for it but make sure you don't go by yourself. Having your friends with you might help but some places it's best to have your mom because of the crazy environment and some people get really wild and stuff.If you have an older sibling maybe they can come along instead of your mom. Hope I helped.

  4. You are old enough to go... with a parent. If you want to go with your friends, perhaps either your mom or one of their parents will go with you guys. It is for safety.

  5. I've been going to concerts alone since I was 10, and I'm a tiny person and I'm fine in moshpits alone.

    Talk to your mum and explain, even if you can't convince her to let you go with some mates, you'll still have an awesome time even with her.

    Be aware though, some people can get pretty rowdy and it can get out of hand, and it's easy to get hurt.

    Weigh up the options.

    Good luck and have fun. :)

  6. No, there are too many drugs and other stuff going on.

  7. your old enough to go to those concerts

  8. Yes you should be able to. I only went to one concert when I was 14, and it was pop/rock. My mom went with me, a friend, my sister, and her friend. Hopefully your mom will agree to go with you to one.  

  9. I think it is your moms choice and that despite the fact that it may seem unfair and unreasonable inappropriate things do happen at concerts.  You read horror stories about different places different scenarios all of the time and she just wants you to be is her job.

    That being said do you have maybe a fun Aunt or Uncle that your mom trust...a friends parent that is cool with these concerts that might go.  

    Ask your mom if there is a way that you can sit down and have a compromise.  Example:  I will call when I get there I will call every 45 minutes and I will call when we are leaving.  Let her know who you are going with and give her their numbers.  If you give her any reason to not trust you then she can pull the plug on you ever going again.

  10. well it depends. i think you should be able to. just watch out for moshing.


    MCR isnt heavy metal. in fact, i try to not classify them as rock, either...

    haha, i dont shame you for liking them, they just seem out of place with the other stuff you listen to.

    yeah, i think its fine. unless its in, like, a terrible area of town. im 15 and i go to shows all the time. :]

  12. i was allowed to go to concerts when i was 12. i haven't been able to yet because tickets are either really expensive or sold out.  :( they're one tonight i wanted to go to... :'(

  13. As an older sister to two teenagers (17 and 15), and someone who has been to several rock concerts, I kinda agree with your mom.  If my children want to go to a concert when they get to your age (they're 1,2, and 4), you better believe that their father and/or I will go with them.  It's not necessarily about whether you or your friends are trustworthy.  If you weren't trustworthy, you more than likely wouldn't be confused as to why you couldn't go.  One of the biggest fears a parent has is harm coming to their child.  A concert venue is a big place and it's easy to get separated from you group.  If this happens, the odds of you being kidnapped, raped, or worse go up drastically.  Also, even though you've probably been exposed to many things that go on at concerts, parents like to think their children are still a bit innocent and unknowing.  

    My personal opinion is that you're not too young to go to a concert, so long as an adult goes too.  Even if it's a friend's parent.  Also, having a plan if one of you gets separated from the group, like a specific meeting place, is a good idea.  I'm an adult and my friends and I make safety plans like that because it's smart.

    Good luck.  Hopefully things work out for you.

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