
Should a 15 year old girl have a lock on her bedroom door ?

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There isn't a lock on my bedroom door.

In the past, i've asked my mum for one, but she said no.

I think that's irresponsible.

I'm just curious as to what other mums think ?

Also, I have got a 20 year old brother that thinks it's perfectly acceptable to walk in and out of my room when ever he feels like it.




  1. I don't agree with most of the people here, sorry to them, but you are at an age where you need some privacy.

    I got a lock at 12 and it is nice to be able to study or change clothes at any time without some no-knocking lunkhead barging in on you.

    If you have a boy over, just never allow him in your room if that is what your Mom is afraid of.

    Your brother doesn't need to be in your room and I am even wondering what a 20 year old is doing still at home.

    Explain your problem to your Mother and maybe she will understand, after all, she is the boss.

  2. you don't need  lock in your room

  3. Its not irresponsible

    Talk to your brother, tell him you'd appreciate it if he would knock.  Or let him catch you in your undies.  It will be awkward but will solve the problem.

    I'm almost 17, I don't have a lock.  Its your parents house, they should have access to all of if they need it.  Unless you're paying rent, I see no reason why you should have one.

  4. Absolutely not. No locks on doors except the parents' if they want.

    However, it's not appropriate of your brother. Make sure your parents enforce some rules with him about this - it's just not acceptable.

  5. yes u should have a lock but youre parents should be allowed to inspect youre room when they see fit ...

  6. No, but other people shouldn't barge in whenever they want to. A 15 year old girl doesn't need a lock because she shouldn't be hiding anything, but the family should also respect her privacy and not just come and go as they please, they should ask first.

  7. I think you do need a lock.  I have one because my brother thinks he can just barge into my room whenever he wants to, and I am only 9.

  8. how is it irresponsible for your mother to say no to a lock on your door?

    what is it that you're doing that makes you need/want a lock?

    i have a lock on my door and i'm 18, its been there since we moved into this house and i've never used it.

    speak to your brother or get your mother too, he shouldn't be doing that, really.

  9. I personally dont believe that a 15 year old needs a lock on their door. Your brother is old enough to understand that you need your privacy and its very disrespectful to just walk in your room whenever he feels like it and you need to tell him that. If your mom says no then she has a reason.

  10. no she shouldnt have nothing to hide

  11. a lock is not needed, however your mother needs to talk to your brother about just walking into your room, he should knock.

    \My son is almost 17 and has no lock on his door, his sisters are 11 and 8 and they know they must knock before going into his room, he has to  knock before going into theirs too.  

  12. Normally, a lock on a bedroom door would not be considered "irresponsible" as you say.  Most families do not have locks on bedroom doors.  However, if you have a brother or anyone else who invades your privacy, perhaps a lock is needed.  

    You could get a job, earn some money, and buy a lock on your own.

  13. yes

  14. On the contrary I believe her not allowing a lock is very *responsible* of her.  Why do you need a lock?  What might you have to hide from her that would require a lock?  I see no reason for it.  I never had a lock on my door as a teenager because there was no need for it.  My mom and dad or my siblings knocked before they came in and that was all the privacy I needed.  You live under her roof and unless you are paying for your room there it's her property.

    As for your brother, I would talk to him and let him know that you want him to knock before he comes in out of respect for your privacy.  Talk to your mom too about it.  Let her know how you feel about it.  While a lock is not necessary, your brother respecting your privacy is necessary.

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