
Should a 15 year old illegal be charged as an adult or juvenile hit & run DUI one dead?

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WSB Radio) -- Police have arrested a 15-year-old illegal Mexican national in the hit-and-run death of a 19-year-old woman.




  1. adult.

    im 15 and i believe that if i were to do something, i should be charged as an adult because my morals and basic understanding have already been developed.

  2. Death of a woman.  Never acceptable in way shape or form.  He needs to take responsibility like an adult.

  3. Yes and the parents charged financially

  4. Hit and run death?  DUI?  Underage drinking?  Driving without a license?  Driving without insurance?

    Yes, he should be tried as an adult for manslaughter and other crimes.  He should serve time and then be deported.

  5. Try him as an adult.he committed an adult crime.

  6. As an adult, of course.  He'll be 45 when he gets out of prison and they can deport him at that time.

  7. adult! and this goes for anyone.not just the mexican national!

  8. Adult, Definitely! They killed some one, and then ran. It would be different if they had not ran.

  9. He should be charged as an adult since he was using a weapon when he killed that poor woman.

  10. Adult

    He's illegal, why would he try to mess everything up with something that stupid. At 15 I was a lot smarter then that.

  11. Adult, his parents should also be charged a fine and hav 2 take parenting classes. They all should be deported.

  12. Yes,charge them as an adult then deport after prison time.

  13. If the PC crowd has their way.... There will be no jail time, and our Goverment will use U.S. tax dollars to build him and his family a house, buy them a new car, and pay for the lawyer fees so they can sue the victims family for emmotion damages.

    Deport illegals, and keep the dream alive.

  14. Being as this is a juvenile that committed an act of involuntary manslaughter, this will probably not be brought to the court as an adult charge. But he and his family should all be deported back to their mother country.

  15. No, In most Western society "Adult" is defined as someone over the age of 18. Simple math will show that the suspect was 15, three years younger than 18. Therefore he is not an "adult" legally, and cannot be charged as an "adult".

  16. He needs to be charged as an adult, do the time, then hurled back across the border.

  17. Deport child and Family,Victims are getting so skrewed and Ignored with these Illegal "Drunk Hit & Runz, and all they can say 2 the victims families is "oops well, sorry about your luck, But the illegals are just trying to feed they're families...sorry  :` ((  .

  18. the fact that he is illegal has no bearings,and  the fact that he is a minor and committed an adult crime does not either in other words yes he can be charged as an adult, if found guilty a jail sentence and after completion of jail time "DEPORTATION"

  19. Adult.

    DUI combined with the vehicular manslaughter and fleeing the scene shows a concious effort to avoid the consequences of his actions and might bump this up to 2nd degree murder.

    If he's found guilty...throw away the key.

  20. Adult

  21. Adult, because driving is something that adults do - that is why we have a licensing system so that there is testing and we only allow grown-ups to do it.

    It is sad that this young person drove and killed someone, but drinking and driving, driving without a license is wrong and the rest of us have the right to be protected from that.

  22. He is only 15, i think a child


  23. I do believe given the nature of this crime,the 15 yo will be tried as an adult. Seeing as how when a fatal accident happened,the boy did not stop to offer help,did not call 9-11, the boy made no effort to see if there is anything, he could do to that might of saved this woman's life.Second,the same kid was spotted driving the same truck at a later time, which would suggest,no remorse.I believe this kid can look forward to spending the rest of his life in jail..

  24. charge him as an adult

    He was man enough to enter this counry unlawfully and then drink and drive costing an innocent person their life so he is man enough to be charged like a man

  25. adult! at 15 i completely understood right from wrong and would never do something as stupid as driving drunk

  26. It just depends on the state it occurred in. Every state is different. My personal opinion is that if they're old enough to drive, they're accepting adult responsibility.

    It's also possible the parents can be charged if the law says so.

  27. I KNOW I KNOW - human nature makes us want to prosecute him as an adult....but that is a bandaid on a bleeding artery!

    We cannot let parents abdicate their responsibilities for their minor children, illegal immigrant or citizen.   We cannot let the US Gov't abdicate it's responsibility for securing our borders - throwing this kid in jail is going to cost tax payers more money, he will die a horrific death at the hands of real criminals, or, worse, will be let out of jail in his "prime" as a criminal himself.  

    He should be charged as a juvenile, with deportation arrangements in place immediately upon the end of his sentence.  A smart judge will make sure he is released the day he turns 17 and 364 days into the loving arms of the INS, so they can return him to his country of origin the day he turns 18.  If his parents are in the country, illegally or otherwise, they should be charged with manslaughter, neglect of a minor, and contributing to the delinquency of a minor, and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.  And then deported.

    Guess what - this is what allowing illegal immigration gets you.....shut up about how "they just want to work" doesn't matter what they want to do, it's fruit of a poisoned tree.  When you break laws to get what you want, you have violated the rights of everyone who does not break laws.  And it gives defacto permission to your children to do the same.  In his mind, he "has a right to drink and drive"....taught well by our eyes wide shut immigration policy and non-prosecution of illegals who's very presence in our country is CRIMINAL!!!!!!

  28. In my opinion, he definitely should be tried as an adult, forced to do the time, and then thrown right back across the border where he belongs, along with his family!

    He should be tried as an adult ESPECIALLY if he is an illegal! Show him that if you come to this county, we don't play around and that you can't come and do whatever you please. You can't come and commit crimes and then make the excuse that you're underage. Teach him a lesson.

    Now, if he in reality will be tried and punished is not certain. I believe that this in fact is unlikely, unfortunately. Also, as someone else commented, it depends on the state of course.

  29. If he/she really did it than yes! Adult Charge!

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