
Should a 16-year-old be allowed to hang out with a 23-year-old guy friend. How about date the 23-year-old?

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Why or why not?




  1. You don't just "hang out" with 16 year old girls... you can easily find friends your own age. There is nothing interesting a 16 year old can say as they are mostly...well stupid. The only reason I can think of for hanging out is s*x.

  2. sure y not.

    when i was 16 i dated a 19 year old guy.

    23 might be a tad old though.

  3. Well I don't see why you wouldn't be able to hang out with this guy. Yet, as for a relationship, I'd wait two years until its completely legal. Sure you could always go against the advice I'm giving you. But, if you decide to go along with this advice, I'm positive it would save you a lot of misjudgment from others, and even more cruel remarks.

    All in all, good luck with whatever you decide to do.

  4. hang out yeah...i dont see the problem...

    date...definitely not...b/c if anything sexual were to occur...well, IT'S ILLEGAL!

  5. Hanging out can be the start of a relationship.  I see nothing wrong with it at all.  s*x would be out until the 16 yr old is of legal age. The 23 yr old should understand that and respect and not pressure the 16 yr old.


  6. When I was 16, my best friend was 23, I had a huge crush on him.

    We hung out and it was great. But looking back I'm glad nothing happened between us.

  7. Friends, yes.

    If you're in the U.S., dating is a no-no, simply because the older guy could be charged for corrupting a minor or child molestation or whatever they call it in whatever state it's happening in.

  8. long as they dont have s*x its ok.  

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