
Should a 2 page resume be printed on 2 separate pages or front and back?

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Although I will likely shorten my resume to 1 page when it comes time to go to a job fair, I would like to know what to do if I need to have a 2 page resume. Please don't direct me to sites about resume writing, I know how to write a resume, I just don't know how to PRINT it. So which is it, 2 separate pages, or a single front and back? If its 2 separate pages, do I staple them or paperclip, or what?




  1. Separate pages.  Do you want to chance them not flipping it over and missing some important information?  Just make sure you use professional resume paper for both pages.  You don't need to attach them at all if you are sending them with a package (cover letter etc) in an envelope.  My suggestion is to use a header/letterhead and apply to all pages so that if, by some chance, the pages do get separated, they'll be able to find the related pages by the heading on top.  Good luck.

  2. two seperate pages, it looks more professional and you should staple it then put it in a folder =]

  3. 2 separate pages, and don't staple/paperclip...

  4. separate!

  5. I like to see resumes that are neat and organized, easy to follow and concise.  One page, two pages...doesn't really matter much to me as long as I don't have to hunt around for relavent information.  

    If I had to suggest, I'd say 2 pages stapled.  MAKE SURE not to break apart one section on 2 pages.  I hate that.   If you need to insert a page break early in order to have the next section start on the second it.

  6. i'd say 2 pages...separate.

  7. Definitaly on two seperate pages. It's easier to read, plus makes it look much more professional.

  8. It depends. If you have enough content to extend the resume to a FULL two pages without going over a size 14 font, this is the way to go.  If not, you need to go through and format and edit it to only be one page, without going under a size 10 font.  A resume should always be full pages, top to bottom. If you need a bit more content, be creative with your spacing but don't over do it. If you have just a bit to much, combine skills, classes, or shorten job descriptions as long as all pertinent content stays..

    Use a header on all pages. A rule of thumb is also to put education and skills on the first page and job experience on the next.

    Also, do not use staples or paperclips....use folders.

    Hope this helps.

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