
Should a 3.5 year old know her ABC's.?

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My daughter is seemingly very smart. Articulates questions very well, knows the difference between the use of "Can I" and "May I" knows her colors, shapes, draws smiley and trees, but does not recognize letters very well. She knows A-E, but no matter how much time we spend, she cant get the rest, nor numbers outside of 1-3.

My thoughts initially were that she just needed more repetition, being that she knows the basics (ABCDE & 123).. But its not working... I tried having her trace them, using flash cards, that refrigerator magnet thing, etc.

The kids in her daycare seem to know them, but she is the youngest by 4 months.




  1.  All kids learn differently and I think that when there is something that interests them more than other thing they learn what interests them more. My oldest had barely turned 2 and knew how to count 1-15 in english and spanish  and just letter from A, B, C, D that was it. And on the other hand my son which is 4 only counts up to 10 and only in english and his ABC's he only gets to P and his colors all missed up. It just started pre-k about 3 months ago and know his ABC, counts to 20 and know all his colors. So I think he got more interested when he seen all the other kids in class doing and learning in school... All kids learn bascially when they are ready and want. Now as for the women that said their 2 1/2 year old does ABC's front and backwards and counts to 30 good for her.... But it sounds like she wanted to make it sound that this ladies daughter stupid or dumb. Probably all made up about being a genius. Hahaha. Well, as for the Mom that is doing what she can for her daughter. Keep it up! She'll be smarter than suppose  genius... Sometimes those who like to show off is just talk talk talk and nothing else but that. 

  2. My daughter is 2.5 years old and does the alphabet forwards and backwards and counts up to 30. Either she is a certfied genius or your children are a tad slow. I will check back with you in a year about her progress. Have a nice day.

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