
Should a 9-year old girl wear glasses or contact lens? ?

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My daughter just had her eyes examined and she needs correction. Both her parents had glasses at that age. Contact lenses are now available for that age, if the child is mature enough. My daughter is struggling with putting them in and taking them out by herself. My spouse thinks she should have glasses instead. I don't want my daughter to have to go through the stigma of wearing glasses all the time, knowing how children (and adults) judge people based on looks. I had to wear glasses from third grade until junior in high school and I hated it and felt ugly. My spouse doesn't agree, but still will not leave the house with glasses on. Who's right?




  1. Well no offense but in this day in age people don't really care about the stigma of wearing glasses. I'm a 16 year old highschool student, and the number of people wearing glasses has gone through the roof at my school. Most wear them for stylish reasons. The coolest non- dorkiest people i know wear glasses, so it's not as if you wear glasses your considered ugly at all. What i would recommend is to get her really cute stylish ones she can get complimented on. Many of the people i know and even I wear glasses with a dark rim. It's really pretty, but i've switched to contacts just recently because my glasses gave me  headaches. But i agree with you and your spouse. She's too young for contacts, it took me a loooong time to put them in and out. Consider some stylish glasses instead :]

  2. she could wait until she's a little older but i think contact lenses would be perfectly fine for her.. she'll probably feel better about herself if she does have them too. she should get used to contacts. i used to have problems with them (putting them on and taking them off). I used to take an actual HOUR to put one on because i was so scared. I got used to them though.. and she'll probably be more comfortable with them. Glasses are not very convenient. So .. yeah, i'm sure she will adjust to them and it will be fine. how long has she been struggling with them? I think I took over a week.

  3. That all depends on you! Do you think she is responsibly?

    Will she:

    1: Take them off each night

    2: Keep them clean

    3: Not want to take them out at school

    4: Remember she can't swim,take a shower etc....

    I think you are both right but there alot of things that you have to take to into consideration.

    You both need to sit down and really talk about it. You could get her  a fitting done then you will get a traning and one sample pair of contactss and see how she dose. If that dosn't work! well you will have have her wear her glasses.

    Sometimes children get fustarted and don't finish with the training and dont want to go thur with it.

  4. Well, first of all whatever you decide, she should have glasses in addition to the contacts. Always have a pair of glasses just incase, plus she won't be wearing contacts all the time.

    9 is a little bit too young; it's a lot of responsibility, and messing it up can be damaging to her eyes. I'd wait until she is around 13-14. Now there is a learning curve when it comes to putting & taking out contacts, but as I said earlier, she is way too young. Just because something is available for her age group doesn't mean it is the best idea. Lots of children and people in general wear glasses, it's not that big of a deal. My suggestion is to go out and a find a pair of glasses that she is comfortable with and that suit her. Wearing them doesn't automatically make you ugly.

    There is the concern that you already let her have them, and taking them away might not fly so well. But still, her health is the greatest concern. When I went in with my daughter a while ago, my optometrist said that he does not recommend contacts for anyone under 12, regardless of their maturity.

    Best wishes.

  5. wear glasses until she is more mature and ready, i was 10 when i got them. having glasses for a few years won't get so much teasing. get a stylish pair. frameless are best if you would rather not make your glasses noticed.

  6. I don't think it's a matter of right or wrong.  Honestly if your daughter is not having an issue putting in the contacts and if it's reasonably covered by your insurance I don't see the harm in it.  Also, I disagree with the stigma of having glasses, there are some very cool looking glasses out there!  The most important thing is that your daughter is comfortable and is getting the correction she needs for her eyes to do well in school!

  7. I think you should ask your daughter what she wants.  If she really likes the contacts, then she will probably be more eager about learning to get them in and out and take care of them.  In this case, she does still need a backup pair of glasses in case she gets an infection or can't wear her contacts for some other reason.  If she is just wearing the contacts because that's what you got for her, that's not much motivation for her, and glasses may be a better option for her.  Or she may just prefer glasses over contacts.  I suggest you and your spouse discuss her options with her and see what she really wants.

  8. take her and see if she can get some cute frames.

    its a good idea to keep glasses somewhere incase contacts aren't working that day or incase she runs out.

    or when she just doesn't wanna deal with contacts.

  9. 9 is way too young for contacts in my opinion,she should wait for a few years at least.12 or 13 seems right to me!

  10. ok so i see your problem... i wish i had gotten glasses when i was younger... i was 14 when i got my glasses and i was so stuck on other people's opinions so i never wore them... i still never wear them because i don't have the confidence to wear them in public... if i were you i would get your daughter glasses and have her wait for contacts... i think that if i had gotten glasses at a younger age then i would have worn them way more than in high school... if you give her glasses at her age more kids will accept her and her glasses... if she starts with glasses and then she gets contacts she will be more likely to wear the glasses and she will respect the responsibility of contacts... good luck

  11. Well practice makes perfect with contacts. I got mine at 11 years old..and that was back in the 80's when contacts were a lot worse to put in then the ones today. I got my glasses in 3rd grade.  One things my parents always did for me was to give me the daily option.  I had glasses that i got to select myself and i had my contacts.  Kids do still tease about glasses now and days BUT, glasses definitely more in style then we people our age first got them.  Now that i am in my 30's i LOVE my glasses, and i actually have more then one pair.  Much more of a fashion accessory now.  But i would say stick it out with the contacts, and have some glasses as backup for those days when the contacts will just not go in.  I mean at least in that situation your daughter could respondnd with a simple..i did not feel like putting my contacts in this morning, not to mention i think my glasses match my outfit!

  12. I started wearing contacts when I was 13, and I struggled with getting them in for a couple of weeks.  So your daughter is perfectly normal if putting them in gives her the creeps.  My husband could never even watch me put my lenses in or take them out, and wearing contacts for him was never ever going to happen.

    Be patient with your daughter, but don't put the lenses in or take them out for her.  If she can't learn to do it herself, she shouldn't wear them.  And please, Mom - drop the "I felt so ugly" c**p.  My daughter wore glasses beginning in kindergarten, and she didn't hear a tenth of the teasing that I heard 30 years ago.  Kids today are just not as conscious of glasses as they were 15 or 20 or 30 years ago, because so many kids are getting glasses now at 2 and 3 years of age.  Teach your daughter to be confident of herself and in herself, whether or not she has glasses.  You can never tell when her eye doctor may tell you that she has to stop wearing contacts, and the last thing you want is to convince her that she's ugly in glasses.


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