My wife went to her friend "Jane's" bachelorette party last night. It was held at Jane's house. Wife and another friend cooked a TON of food, bought some Jane's favorite snacks, then everyone sat around and ate.
Afterward they all took a train downtown and went partying.
When they got back to Jane's house, it was about 3 a.m. and the kitchen was a complete mess from the dinner and the party activities.
Everyone was tired and sitting around eating and talking, so wife started cleaning up. Then Jane got up and began helping her by throwing away trash and washing all the dishes which took like 30 mins because there were so many.
The rest of the guests continued to sit around leisurely saying they'd clean up in the morning.
Isn't that kind of crummy to not only make the bachelorette clean up, but for some of the guests (excluding my wife and the other one who cooked) to sit and do nothing? Or is that the norm?