
Should a Congressmen be trying to IMPEACH d**k Cheney?

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Congressman Robert Wexler says that Cheney

a) manipulated intelligence to boost the case for war against Iraq and

b) was involved in the outing of CIA agent Valerie Plame.

Should Cheney be impeached for that?




  1. i think if he should be impeached for that and if there was legal standing for impeachment the democratic congress would be pursuing the means of impeachment as we speak

    but if their was legal reasons for impeachment known to the congress and no action is being taken then it is assumed that   the congress is in a conspiracy with Cheney

    which is highly unlikely....

  2. Try to impeach Al Capone

  3. Should have happened a long time ago, but unfortunately nothing will probably become of it.

  4. Absolutely. It already should have happened

  5. Gee, of course not!  None of that is as important as getting a BJ!

  6. Immediately

  7. Both Bush and Cheney should be impeached for the high crimes and misdemeanors they have committed.

    Nancy Pelosi should get her bu++ kicked for saying it is off the table.  Investigation and impeachment are part of her freaking job so get it done!

  8. Only if you believe in justice for all. Some one was responsible & I don't think W. is smart enough to do it all on his own. His defense is his lack of intelligence. Ironic , huh!

  9. No.

    There is an issue that you liberals seem to have a problem with: 'Equal justice for all.'

    If there were actual evidence to support the claim that a criminal act had occurred there would already have been impeachment hearings.  The fact of the matter is that liberals seem to have gotten the attitude that disagreeing with their politics should be a made illegal.

  10. My understanding is that cyber signatures aren't an acceptable form to actually be used. Just to show interest in the possibility.

    1) It's election time

    2) they would be out of office before the investigation was completed so it wouldn't matter.

    3) He shot someone he was friends with > the congressman should look out J/K > couldn't help throwing that in.

    4) When is the last time a Vice President was impeached? I wouldn't worry over it. It seems more like a voting time stunt.

    Interesting question.

  11. Yes.  The serious charges against Cheney involve alleged crimes that are central to his duties of Vice-President; namely war and peace, the widespread violations of civil liberties, and the security of the United States and our covert agents.

  12. In one word, "YES!"  

    If he did the crime, he needs to do the time.  You forgot about how he shot a lawyer at point blank also...then didn't inform the police dept. until 18 hours AFTER it occurred.

  13. Lol, I like Scourge's answer.  Yes, they all should be doing their jobs, considering that they are extremely lucky not to be on trial for war crimes.

  14. NO, it would be a waste of time.  Cheney and Bush will soon be gone from the scene.

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