
Should a child witness a childbirth?

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Jane: good point. I would need to see how they reacted with the birthing shows.




  1. absolutely not! I watched my son being born and wouldnt want to ever see that again, personally

  2. when i had my last baby my eldest daughter was 11 and she begged to come to the delivery but i refused , i could not let her see me in pain like that , it would be terrifying for her . She was a mature 11 year old .

  3. I am surprised that more people did not say that they would let their child watch them give birth.--Not that that is a bad decision not to let your child watch.  

    I have a 4 yo little girl and she comes with me to all of my appointments and is very excited to have a new sibling.  She has seen the sonograms and knows that there is really a baby in my belly.  We watch all of the "Baby Story" shows together and she loves them.  She knows that child birth is extremely painful and that mommy will probably scream a lot and there will be a lot of blood.  I think that it will be a wonderful experience for her.  

  4. I wouldn't I think it would be to much for the child!

    but that is just me!  

  5. eww no, id die, im 13 and it would just freak me out.

  6. I wouldn't want a 10 year old in the room.  I did watch my sister when I was 14 and what I saw was too much!

  7. We have a 6 and a 4 year old - and one due in early December. There's no way I'd let them in the room. It would be way too traumatic!!

    Besides, I thought kids weren't allowed in the delivery room by the hospital.  

  8. Wow 0 that is actually a very very tough question.  I have an 8 year old and personally I will not let her near the birth.  She will come to the hospital once the baby is born.  I think that to see your mother in such pain and distress must be difficult for a child.  Even if you have explained that this is normal.  I certainly remember having an awful time with having her - screaming, crying, shouting - not something I would like her to see.

    Arguably it could have an effect on how the child then feels about the new baby - you caused mummy so much pain??

    I don't know but its a no from me on this one - just to be on the safe side.

  9. I absolutely wouldn't and there are a lot of reasons.  Firstly to whoever that was. It is far different to an animal giving birth.  It is also far different forom watching it on video/dvd.  I wouldn't be against that as you can screen it first.   Also childbirth is a long process usually 12+ hours for a first.   There are so many unknowns, so many different levels of pain and complications.  The mother needs to feel free to do or say whatever makes her feel as comfortable as possible at any given time.  I haemorrhage following childbirth and even the condition of the room was confronting to children.   Somethings are best kept for adults. Speak to most men and how they coped with it and see what they think.   If desired the birth can be filmed and then at least you know  what they will see.

  10. It's just a natural process. A child can handle anything an adult can view; I know it isn't the same but I watched animal births all the time at the zoo were my sister worked. Didn't affect me at all, I wasn't traumatized. Parents just have this weird thought-process that tells them to shield their offspring from life. Complete bull. Let the kid see the birth.

  11. Well, I'm sixteen now, but casting my mind back to when I was about ten... well, by that age I'm sure they know all about s*x and pregnancy and such. h**l, scare them not into have s*x before the legal age. It's not like they're gonna have a full frontal view... god, that'd be scarring.

  12. It is educational to allow a child to see this and I think if they know what is going to be involved (ie by seeing videos of live births beforehand) that is fine. Personally I wouldn't want to see a live birth and if a child is squeamish then all the blood and screaming and other 'stuff' (apologies to those who have given birth) would be enough to make you feel very sick and maybe give you nightmares. As long as the child knows what to expect and wishes to see it I don't see a problem.

  13. I wouldn't have my child there, but that's just me.  Nothing wrong if u each its own.

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