
Should a dead beat dad be allowed to make a decison in child's life?

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im a single parent, go to school part time and work full time as a lead teacher in a child care center. my 7 yr old is out of control. He has A.D.H.D. He's taking medication but after a while his body builds up a defense center. hes been suspended from two school finally he's calm for now but DR feel that he might need to be placed out of my home to get around the clock treatment. i dont want want my child in a home or hospital but if i dont let him go and things get worst than i fail him. his dad said that i should deal with it.




  1. There should be an order in the court how this stuff is figured out.

    I am confused though. Why would it be an option to put your child in a home or hospital? Shouldn't you attempt to figure things out for your child the best you can. I would hope your ex would have a say so before you just ship your child off.

    Maybe your child has a lot of anger from not having his dad around.

  2. Do you have an order of support against him, that he is not paying? Even if you don't, he will be foolish to allow himself to be brought to court over this. He's getting away with it, and should stay under the radar. Remind him of this and maybe he will be more agreeable.

  3. What is important is your child, not his "dead beat father."

    If you are being told by a trained physician that specializes in ADHD or a pediatric neurologist that this is the best course of action for your child and his future, than you must follow through.

    It is sad that you do not have a family support structure that would allow in home care and treatment, but it is costly and very discomforting for family to step aside and watch as a child goes through, basically retraining his habits while adjusting medications.

    Best of luck to you and your son, remember that it may be hard for a time, but the end result is to give your son the best possible hope for the future.

  4. do as he says, "deal with it"  it will be one of the hardest things that you probably have ever had to do, but in the long run, it will be worth it.  when the child is of age to understand and is mature enough, tell him just what kind piece of work his father is, but only if he asks about him.  all you can do is your best and pray that it works out.  when he older and hopefully has his problem under control, you can rest assure that you did the best that you could.

  5. who has legal custody?  If legal custody has not been established, then you need to file the paperwork.  There are two types of custody in the US; residential or physical: who has the child the majority of the time, and legal: who makes the legal decisions. These can be shared or given to one person.   You can usually get paperwork online and file yourself, he will be send notice, and must respond.  If he fights it, a hearing will be set and you can plead your case.  If he doesn't respond, usually the courts will just default to you without a hearing.  

    Good Luck!!

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