
Should a dutch bunny and a rex mate?

by Guest64878  |  earlier

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i just got a dutch rabbit and i was thinking bout letting my rex mae with her




  1. ohhh the babys would look sooooooooooo cute! my mini rex just had a litter 5weeks ago and died yestrday:( the where minilopxminirex they where sooo cute!

    good luck!

  2. No, because you're going to end up with a litter of rabbits that aren't anything recognizable and have little or no sale value.  Don't breed just because you want little baby bunnies, please.  

    If you have a doe that is pedigreed and worth breeding, contact another breeder of that particular breed.  I'm sure they'll arrange to use one of their bucks for her instead.

    Unless you're breeding for meat, breeding stock should be pedigreed and registered or you're only adding to an overpopulation of mutt rabbits.  If you want to breed, join the ARBA, get some pedigreed breeding stock, and learn all you can about the breed.  Join 4-H and participate in some open shows.  Learn what you want to breed for before you start breeding.

    Owning animals of any kind means doing what is in their best interest to keep the animals healthy and care for them responsibly.  Breeding two unrelated breeds of rabbits just because you can is the equivalent of being a backyard breeder with puppies.  Please don't add to the problem!

  3. There are more than enough homeless rabbits already without you irresponsibly breeding mixed breed rabbits.  They are the third most surrendered animal in the US, after cats and dogs.  Leave the breeding to responsible individuals that breed to better their respective breeds.

  4. its up to you.x if you want to then go ahaed but be prepeared with the size f the rabbit.well i dont know how big its going to be but just be prepeared just incase.x

  5. absolutely not.  instead of breeding, i'd suggest you volunteer at a shelter or rescue so you can see first hand the devastating effect of breeding.  thousand of animals are euthanised every year b/c they do not have enough room.

    here is some info about breeding...

    i suggest you spay and neuter both of your bunnies and bond them together so they can live as friends for the rest of their lives.  this would be much more fulfilling to both.  they will live longer, healthier, happier lives and you will be able to enjoy them more as companions since the hormones will not be in the way.

    good luck!

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