
Should a father have to be responsible for a child since he has no decision power after sexual conception?

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This applies to any relationship from marriage to dating.

This question does not refer to men who have multiple children irresponsibly by multiple women. More so a responsible man who with either his wife or girlfriend doesn't use a condom one time or the condom breaks.

Since their are options for abortion and adoption, if he asks her to either abort the child or give the child up for adoption because of his incapability of raising it, and she refuses, isn't it rather unfair for him to have to be responsible? Because even though they both chose s*x, she chose the birth.




  1. When a man, or yes a woman, chooses to have s*x, they choose  to take on the responsibility of possibly having a child. For men though, they need to realize that their part in the decision stops there, because the woman is the one who carries the baby, so she is in control. So really, men should be a whole lot more careful than women when becoming sexually active, because if you impregnate a woman, you are basically stuck with whatever she decides. That being said, you really should know someone well enough to know what they would do in case of pregnancy before you have s*x with them.  

  2. It's not unfair.  He should have kept it in his pants then he wouldn't have those problems.

  3. They do.  Its currently in the government.

  4. How brave of you to talk about something so taboo.  You are right that once a girl is pregnant, men have no right to choose whether she aborts, adopts, or keeps the child.  It does seem unfair.  However, finding a solution that would not encourage both parents to abandon care for their children is difficult.  This is why it is so very important that we teach young boys to be just as responsible as girls when it comes to protection during s*x.  

  5. If you were there to make a baby, you can pay for it. All the options for the woman cost her even abortion leaves lasting psychological scars. Adoption rips apart the fabric of your life.  Raising a child costs money. You sound like you are looking for an out. Sorry, I have not got one.  It's a baby. man suck it up.

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