
Should a fully pregnant woman run a marathon?

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Should a fully pregnant woman run a marathon?




  1. Only if she is out of her mind or trying to induce birth.

  2. NO!!!!!!!!!!! Unless you wanna carry an extra 10 pounds for 24 miles

    p.s. its not good for u

  3. probably not.

    marathons are hard wearing on the body, even with out a baby. Longterm damage could result for baby and mother.

  4. not a wise choice by any means. i could see doing a 5k or 10k maybe but marathons take a toll on the body even without a baby.

  5. only with their DRs permission

  6. Depends on the woman, she is obviously fit, and has been running throughout  her pregnancy, and under the doctors advice.  Paula Radcliffe ran throughout her pregnancy and had a healthy baby girl.,71...

    Only a fit runner can pull this off...not a beginner runner or non runner.  Pregnant runners has to eat more healthy foods and hydration than a non-runner pregnant woman.  And as the belly grows, there are support belts you can buy at a maternity store, to help support your back and less jarring on the body.  Again, under the advice of the doctor....

  7. No.. you could induce labor and if its not time, you could put your  baby at risk for premature birth and a lifetime of disabilities.  Talk to your doctor to find out a good excersise regim that wont put you or your baby in harms way.

  8. As in 9 months.She knows her body better than anyone but I would not advise it.

  9. i runn xcountry and my coach was pregant and she still ran with us but she wasnt like going real fast. i wouldnt run a marathon inless your doctor says so.

  10. Even Paula radcliffe didn't do this and she's a top runner.

    Your body needs a rest at this time and a whacking great bump under your jumper is one of nature's ways of telling you that.

    * EDIT *

    Paula Radcliffe ran through her pregnancy BUT she did not run when she was fully pregnant. And as I said, she is a top runner, how many of us can really truly claim to be as fit as she is?

  11. People, marathons are 26.1 miles. Not a few miles.

    (Stop, rating "thumbs down" to 'no' answers)

    I would strongly advice you not to run since you might cause harm to your baby. Even if you're an elite athlete, its not recommended.

  12. I would advise even a partially pregnant woman not to run a marathon.  Sensible distance and your doctor's recommendation seem to be a much more positive approach than the extremes put on your body during a M.

    There'll be other marathons; don't risk your and your baby's health.

    Good Luck

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