
Should a girl be allowed to gain weight without her bf's permission?

by  |  earlier

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I just dumped my girl who is 5'10 and 152 because she is toooo f-a-t. Ick!




  1. should a girl be allowed [insert foot in mouth] Without her boyfriend's permission?... Seriously, you're asking that?  You think she needed YOUR permission to gain weight?  That's like saying she needs permission to get her hair cut or change her makeup or wear a skirt if she normally wears pants... A girl shouldn't need her boyfriend's permission for anything.  And visa versa.  If you have a problem with the other, you discuss it and come to some agreement or don't come to an agreement and move on (or deal with it)  That's how mature relationships work.  By the way, 5'10" and 152 lbs is NOT fat.  She should have dumped you first.

  2. That is not fat. Can you import a picture?

  3. WOW, that is not fat. You're sick if you think that is fat.

    Also, entirely wrong category.

  4. I should seriously stab you. Except for that your a shallow *** b*****d who needs to go to prison and get ****** up the a*****e and really learn what **** is really about. Come ******* on here's an idea we will go to a graveyard find you a really old grave with a chick in it and dig her up and call her your new gf. Hope that would be better for you than your ex gf who is apparently "too" fat to be with you. But that's ok because I'd rather be fat than be with some ******** of your standing who is completely shallow. Have a nice ******* day jackass.

  5. So, what board game is this relevant to - Who Wants To Look Like a Total Jerk?

  6. Um, do you know this ended up in board games?   On the third page, scroll down and select the category your question should go in

  7. Yes,she certainly should be allowed to gain weight or do whatever she wants without her boyfriend's permission.  How very fortunate for her that you dumped her.  She is so much better off now.  She'll be able to get on with her life and find someone so much better.

  8. You let a thick booty sister go?   Aww man!   Thanks!

  9. i dont you should speak/think w/o a womens permission..

  10. That was very stupid of you!!!

    And wrong category.

  11. should a dumbass like you be allowed to breathe without the world's premission?

  12. Wow... Can anyone say shallow? That's really ****** up and mean. I'm sorry but being a little over weight that is like an ideal weight for me. So yeah, dude, you need help if you think 152 is "fat".

  13. Wow, that is shallow. And that isn't even close to being fat anyway.  

  14. thats shallow she can loose the weight and find better you ***  

  15. She should not need your permission for anything.  And 152 is a nice, normal, healthy weight for a girl who's 5'10", even thin for that height.  You're being shallow, superficial, and immature and she's better off without you.

  16. I think it goes without saying that you're a complete imbecile.  

  17. that is not fat and girls are allowed to gain weight!

    sorry we eat!

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