
Should a girl be allowed to play on a boys team if she can compete?

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If there is already a girls team in the sport.

Inspired by this story.

If so, should boys who didn't make the team be allowed to try out for the girls team so that all the best athletes can play not just the best girl athletes?

Girls can replace boys but not vice-versa. That doesn't seem fair.




  1. No.  It's not fair to the scrub boys who dream of riding the bench at least.  If they made the whole thing co-ed. . . no, that wouldn't work.

  2. I don't know why teams need to be s*x-segregated in the first place; to save energy and money, they should only have one team for each sport, composed of the best and the brightest of both sexes.

  3. I saw that bull c**p a few days ago. And since she is a girl what makes her parents feel she is better than the other girls? I feel that since she and her parents don't wont her playing with the girls, then she shouldn't play at all.

  4. no, she should be in her home cooking.

  5. It's not fair. Any sports team should allow anyone boy or girl to participate and play whether or not their is only a girl's team or boy's team. Isn't that what Title IX is all about?

    Why can't this young girl play on the boy's team? I think it's how she embarrassed the boys comparing her to Shaq

    Guys have competed on cheer leading squads, girl's field hockey teams even wearing the required uniform a plaid skirt.

    Girls can play on guy's ice hockey teams, boy's wrestling football, and baseball teams.

    Guys can compete in girl's tennis teams, dance competition squads, even rhythmic gymnastics or ice dancing.

    If girls are being deprived of something and Title IX supports them, you are right, this is totally unfair!

  6. If it's a girls team, there should be girls only...

    and a men team, there should be men only...

    But there should be something, what I would call a mixed team, open for girls and men...

    Why not? It's a lot of fun I guess.

  7. I can tell you why it is fair.  There's always a boy's team, but there's not always a girl's team.  There is no girl's football.  If a girl is the best punter around, then why should she not be on the team?  She should darn well be on the team.  When they come up with a girl's football team, then she can be on that one.

  8. this is usually the case with all male football teams, there are no female football teams, so these young women have no outlet!

  9. girls can make their own teams it's stupid to put a girl on a guys' team.

  10. I would have zero problems with that as long as they could compete and were not given any special treatment.  The thing I hate is when fire departments lower standards for women in a profession for life and death.

  11. I think a girl should definitely allowed to play on a boys team

    if she can compete.

    It does seem a little unfair that guys can't replace girls,

    but remember that guys are naturally built stronger and

    bigger, which gives them an extremely unfair advantage.

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