
Should a girl be wearing make up by the age of 18?

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When I was in my little emo lame 14 year old stage I wore eyeliner, but I'm very much over that now and I don't wear any make up. I wore eyeshadow like once, and it looked nice but i just don't know what i'm doing and cbf with it. Should I be wearing it by now and what should i be applying?





  2. There is no rule on when you should wear make-up.  Whether you are 18 or 80, you should only wear make-up if your comfortable with it, not because you should have done it by now!

  3. Well i started wearing makeup in the 3rd grade and wear it every day no exceptions. It really screwed up my skin though so be careful! I am 18 now and have learned that less is more. Use neutrals like light browns and peaches. A peach lip gloss and nice light blush looks nice on any skin tone. Use a shimmery light eyeshadow and brown not black eyeliner and mascara. Also use a shimmery light (i use almost white) shadow right under the brows to highlight. I use a mousse foundation but if you don't need it don't use it! In general less really is more don't cake it on you'll look overdone. It takes practice - i looked a hot mess when i first started but don't get discouraged it'll get easier and feel free to experiment. Many of my friends ask me to do their makeup for parties and dances now :)

  4. I'm only 15 Years old and i had been wearing in from grade 7 to now grade 10. Maybe try a little eye liner smudged, mascara, eye shadow and some lip gloss. I think that would look really pretty.  

  5. i guess so because im about 14 and i wear makeup

  6. Not really. At 18 I was wearing silver eyeliner mascara ang clear gloss or Chap stick. If you are asking then you don't really need much - if any. A lot of the girls I knew that wore a lot of make up had really bad skin and tried to use it to cover that up. If you don't have problem skin but you want a little something use a good moisturizer with sunscreen of at least 15 preferably higher and a pressed powder. You could also try a tinted moisturizer. Just be careful because some products can make you break out. There is no specific time that you SHOULD be wearing make up. If you have any problems with breaking out you might want to try bare minerals.  

  7. I started wearing make up at the age of 13.

    Um, it doesn't matter if you don't wear makeup at age 18. It's an optional thing, I suppose.

    But many females DO wear makeup at age 18.

    The majority of them.

  8. depends how good ur skin is, an even skintone is the most important think in looking nice. if u have naturally good clear skin then just some tinted moisturiser and a bit of blush on ur cheeks should be fine. bit of lipstick or gloss. if not then yes id reccommend foundatuion set with powder. eyeliner, shadow and mascara come next i think. but concentrate on ur skintone first.  

  9. why would you want to girls dwell to much in the whole I'm ugly thing and most of them are because they cake the make up on natural beauty is hott

  10. if you look better natural,

    just mascara, light eyeshadow, and lipgloss

  11. you dont have to be wearing it but if you want to i would do cover up (if needed) eyeshadow, liner, mascara, and gloss

  12. yes u should wear it ur 18 but anywayz u should wear the norm lke fondation and eyeliner maybe some rouge lke eyeshadow u dont have to wear lip stick but lip gloss is good lke a tinted one  

  13. if you want

  14. I think 18 is a good age to be wearing make up, but not heavily. You can start with something simple like mascara and some colored lip gloss. Eyeshadow/liner and blush is good for special occasions, but you're still young and beautiful and probably don't need it everyday. And depending on how comfortable you are with your complexion, you might try some concealers or powders to even your skin tone. Definitely don't cake it on, that's not a good look for anyone!  

  15. You Don't HAVE To Or SHOULD Be Wearing Make Up It's if You Want To..

    I Only Use Eye Make Up Like;

    Black Eyeliner, & Some Eyeshadow & Mascara. None Of That Foundation c**p Like Most Girls Do Use But That's Just Me!

  16. most girls do

    but if ur happy not

    thats really good

    i would stay not wearing any at all

  17. yes, i think it should start to be worn at 15 or 16 however it is entirely up to you. If you dont need it then to h**l with it. You can apply lipstick or lip gloss, mascara, eyeliner, eyeshadow, foundation, basicly whatever you want

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