
Should a healthy baby be forced into vaccination even if the parents oppose the idea?

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Read this article first, please:

Keep in mind "the screening test gives a false-positive 40 to 60 percent of the time".

Okay, we all know that many vaccines do a lot of good. Unfortunately, they can also do a lot of bad things-- including kill. Many are vastly untested, such as Gardasil. They all have side-effects, depending on the individual and the vaccine itself.

As a future parent, I want to think that when I do eventually have kids it falls to me to protect them and make decisions protecting their safety. Given the track record of vaccinations, I would surely research for a very long time before having a kid and before ever letting that needle pierce my kid's skin. I'm not religious, so I have nothing religious to say about vaccines. But I am conscious about my body and should, like every parent, be conscious about my future child's health.

So why would parents be forced to stand by while they watch what they believe is a harmful substance be introduced to their newborn?

What do you think about this situation?




  1. They aren't forced to ?  Do what YOU feel is right, don't listen to other people..

  2. That is disgusting. I have done tons and tons of research and chosen not to vaccinate. I would go apesh*t if that were my baby. It is in no way the place of the government to tell you whether or not to vaccinate. It really makes me sick that this happened. It reminds me of the woman who's son was taken for 6 MONTHS because someone reported her as sexually abusing her child and I kid you not, it's because she was breast feeding in public. Yeah, what a free country we have here.

  3. They did sign the consent form, but the hospital should have waited for the confirmation results.  In the end probably no harm will come of it and if that baby does have hepatitis, a beneficial thing was done, they never stated if the mother was positive or not.   No one should be forced to do any vacs.  For good or ill each parent has the right to determine that.

    In many states you can get a religious waiver, which secular people do use, in other states you can get a philosophical waiver, some states do not offer waivers.  In any case it is not a problem if you plan to keep you kids home and homeschool or unschool them.  They will have problem if the go into a college though without the waiver.  

  4. WorldNetDaily is hardly a reliable news source, perhaps one step away from the old "Weekly World News" parody tabloid with stories of Elvis impersonators found on mars.  I'm actually shocked to find this article on their website, I assumed all neo-conservatives had to 100% supportive of the Medical Industry, but I suppose given their objections over the HPV vaccine, religious fanaticism takes precedence on the chain so to speak.

    I would take this statistic from the family's "personal physician" with a grain of salt, who for all we know may be some naturopath or religious "practitioner" with no real knowledge of science or statistics.  If WND really wanted to find out how effective the test was, they would look at the information submitted by the test company to the FDA and draw their figures from that.

    The real question is, should proven medical prevention and treatment of a minor take precedence over the parent's religious beliefs?  I certainly would hope so. If this was an legal adult choosing voluntarily not to be treated then they should be able to do so, assuming they are of sound mind.  But should parents be allowed to harm their children via omission because of the parent's religious beliefs? No.  The right of religious freedom does not permit infringement of the rights of a third party, in this case the child.

    Additonally, Gardasil, as any vaccination or medication currently on the US market, has been extensively tested, otherwise it wouldn't be legal to sell.  Take a look at the prescribing information and the trials it describes.

  5. Even if your kid is perfectly healthy at the time... not giving vaccines is so much more a risk than the side affects that accompany them. It takes one exposure to a pathogen to harm that kid. Kids with the vaccines have a better chance of not getting it. Polio and mumps *to name a few*... they aren't around as much because people got the vaccine! They are making an apperance though... wonder why...

  6. i don't think you have  your child vaccinated if you do not want too, but you will have to be VERY cautious of who you take them around and what they are exposed too and if you ever want to put your children in daycare, they HAVE to be vaccinated, but i am just like you, children's immune systems are LOADED to the MAX with vaccines, my little girl will be born in October and i am spacing out her shots so she is not so overwhelmed with SO MANY shots at one time! but i hope this helped


  7. I'm all for vaccines.I would much rather my child be protected against all these diseases that are tryin to make a comeback then them be sitting sucks just waiting for something to get into their system that they can not fight off.

    I also do believe that if a parent is against vaccines then their child should NOT be forced into getting them.The doctor should understand fully of the parents wishes and abide by them rather than push the issue. They should say their peace about getting them and then leave it to the parent to decide whether or not to vaccinate their child or not. I don't look down on people who do not vaccinate their children,because I do things that other parents don't think are wise with my children(such as vaccinate them) and I don't think doctors or anyone else rather than the parents for that matter,should be able to decide if the child is receiving shots or not.As for the vaccines that babies get I would reccomend those because diseases are only a plane ride away,but like gardasil and all that...I would have to do A LOT of research on that because all these new vaccines for older children and adults have more side effects that are way worse if they get them from the shot then the actual thing it is suppose to cure or help cure or protect against. Plus I have cervical cancer cells that are dormant in my body so I will be doing tons of research on those vaccines due to me having 3 daughters of my own and my grandma died of cervical cancer,but until the time comes I think it will just be put on the back burner because I see no point in vaccinating my girls with something wheret the side effects are worse then the ailment.

    sorry if I repeated myself =)

  8. I agree with the shots needing to be done before a child enters daycare or a public school system as if they aren't vaccinated they put many other people (that can't get the shots) at risk but I don't think that it should be forced, if you don't want the vaccines fine but be prepared for the negative things that can happen because of your choice.  I have personally known 3 children that died of measles because their parents made the choice to not vaccinate.  

  9. Vaccinations are made for our protection, so yes.  If you care about your child's future health, you will get them their vaccinations.

  10. Ok this is one of my biggest pet peeves. Yes EVERY child should be vaccinated no matter what if they want to go to public schools and daycares. For their safety and the safety of other children. I think if you are willing to put your child in harms way because of YOUR religious beliefs then go for it, but keep your kid away from mine. Yes mine are vaccinated whenever they need to be so they are protected, but as we have seen lately some of these shots can end up failing after awhile. The cases of death due to immunizations is soooo much lower than the cases of death due to small pox, polio, chicken pox etc. I have a 5 yr old getting ready to start kindergarten, a 14 month old and one on the way. They don't all get the same vaccinations at the same time, my oldest can bring home stuff from kids that my younger ones can catch if they aren't fully immuniziazed yet.

    In the case of the story I think the dr did what he thought was right. It may have been a little too extreme granted, but what if she WAS positive for Hep B and they missed the crucial shot the baby needed before 12 hrs? What if the baby died because of it? Would it still be ok with them because it was God's plan? Everyone has the right to their own religious beliefs but when it puts your child in danger you are going a little too far. If it put MY children in danger you are going too far.

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