
Should a hockey player work hardest to strenthin his legs or should he do everything equal?

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i am 14 years old and i was wondering should i build my legs more then my arms and chest or should i workmon everything equally??




  1. i always thought do everything equal and being an all around player is best for any sport. wouldnt wanna be amazing at somtin and then have a huge weakness in some other aspect of the game.

  2. i have played for 17 years now(since age 4) and i would def. put most of my emphasis on legs..i  mean the only big arm strength i would do is wrist.. i also play other sport to help with coordination. im not saying to not do all around work out to keep everything tone..but if your forward you don't really need bulk... you need the leg speed, coordination and hands

  3. all around workout

  4. Leg speed is something that is crucial it allows you to accelerate when other lag. Using a bike,treadmill, or just plain running outside is something that is going to benefit you alot because it will build stamina also lateral movement is key. When I train players i always put more emphasis on the legs, but working other areas of the body is necessary also. Instead of working on your chest working on the abs will benefit you more.

    This site should help you better understand what to work on the most.

  5. Everything should be equal.

    A bike is good for legs and a Concept ll rowing machine is a really good machine for an all round workout. (the kind rowing clubs use)  Any exercise you do should fit into a cross training regimen.  And remember, lots of stretching and lots of water.  Keep away from sugar/caffeine sports drinks.

    At 14 years of age it is not recommended that you lift heavy weights, as your body is still growing.  I strongly recommend that you get advice from a trainer.  Your gym teacher may be able to help or a trainer from a health club.

    Gooid luck.

  6. Everything should be equal.

  7. legs are the most important part if you want to be a great forward. when shooting the puck learn how to get the max ability from the shaft of the stick. if your a d man then you should work on everything. but the legs are the key.


  8. Endurance for skating is for the win.  I would limit this to like jogging though.  Lifting at 14 is a terrible idea lol. Once you mature, and I mean physically as I can't speak to your mental state, I would start to work on some upper body thorugh lifting. But at your age, best to stay in shape by skating or running.

  9. My coach put us on a training regiment thing. It has an emphasis on legs, but there is arms in there too. Hockey is pretty much all legs. You don't want you're upper body to be weak, but you'd rather have stronger legs. Also don't forget cardio. You should do about 8-10 40-50 yard sprints a night. And run at least a mile at least like 2 days a week. Do weight training and plyometrics never hurt.

  10. A hockey player do everything equal.

  11. Everything should be about equal, legs need a little bit more though because they are used the most.

  12. the legs feed the wolf

    but you need to have a strong core as well, arms are the least important

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