
Should a jogger go against traffic or with traffic when jogging in the street? Is there a law on which side?

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Should a jogger go against traffic or with traffic when jogging in the street? Is there a law on which side?




  1. well im sure the laws vary. But usually pedestrians have the right of way. I think i'd be safer to go with traffic and just wait for cross and thru traffic.

  2. always with the flow of traffic

  3. should face traffic (that way in case car driver loses control

    you can see the car coming and jump out of the way

    if you were going the same way you could end getting hit

  4. Face the traffic......

  5. it is safer to go against the traffic that way you and the jogger can see each other coming

  6. joggers face traffic, bikers with traffic..but i run so fast traffic never passes jay kay

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