
Should a law be past to ban the any further questions of Jonas Brothers & Miley Cyrus?

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Should a law be past to ban the any further questions of Jonas Brothers & Miley Cyrus?




  1. I don't think so. I mean everybody has different taste in music and may like celebrities that other people hate so bad. And I really don't want to be rude but if you don't like them then just ignore those questions and move on with you life. =)

  2. yes!

  3. you want them to ban your question? It has something to do with them, but no! This is a place for people to ask anything they want there shouldn't be anything banned.

  4. Get over yourself.


  6. d**n straight, yes.  I would also like to ban the:

    1. Question: I had s*x and didn't use a condom, could I be pregnant?  Answer: Yes, dumb ***.

    2.  Question: Do I look fat?  Answer: Oh god, not this again.

    3.  Does this outfit look cute?  Answer: Who cares?

  7. jonas brothers NO miley YES

  8. no.

    (but i do agree there should be a seperate disney section, so people don't have to complain when we ask simple questions)

  9. y??..

  10. fans should take it to a fan forum where 90 percent of their c**p belongs.

  11. No, because talking c**p about the Jonas Brothers and Miley Cyrus is one of my Yahoo! Answers pasttimes!

  12. no but there should be a disney section so they can learn more abot tere heros or rol models.

  13. no i dont think they should do that it is a free country. but i do think they should make a disney section.

  14. no

    plus u just asked one

    srry, thats fine of $100,000,000,000,000,000,000 srry u made up the law =]

  15. well i think they should be allowed to ask any question ( but i do think these crazed fans should turn it down)

  16. yeah

  17. NO but i am sick and tierd of all these questions regardind jbros and mcyrus they should have a different section called disney talk cause it would be a great hit  

  18. no. y? people just wanna kno about their role models and wat others think of them... y is that so bad?

  19. No. Why would anyone do that?

  20. Yes! This whole section has become mainly about JB and MC. It's really way too d**n annoying to put up with.

  21. Why should there be? Theres a right to have those questions and is as equal as any other question on the celebs section. Just because its not your taste does not mean it should be banned.

  22. um okay?

  23. Well this is a site for asking questions so i dont rlly think itz a big deal

    i just ignore the stupid questions..

  24. hear hear! there are questions about them EVERYWHERE! i happend across the celebrity section earlier.  every other question had the word jonas in it.

      i was in fashion.  people were asking about how to dress like miley

    i was in SINGLES AND DATING!!! and people were asking about who nick jonas was dating.

      its out of hand.  like, for real.  i used to not mind it but its an epidemic now.

    there should at least be a seperate section for all things disney to kind of funnel it all into one area

  25. no

    its fun answering their questions with obsceneties! >:D

  26. Well I just wish that the people posting their Jonas and Miley questions would search for their questions first, so that they don't have to re-ask the same question someone else just asked twelve hours ago.

    Other than that, I agree with the person who said if people just want to talk about Jonas and Miley then they should take it to the fan forums or Disney sites.  Or maybe Y!A could have a Disney section.  

    But yes, I don't even like going in the Entertainment and Music section anymore because 90% of the questions are about JB or MC.  And it's the same question everytime.  They have a right to ask them, but I really wish they would read previous questions and answers first because they could probably just get their info from there.

  27. no

    if there are a lot of questions on it that must mean that a lot of people are interested

    just because there is a whole clan of haters doesn't mean your the only people on

    if ur tired of it get off the site

  28. Yes, but ONLY if the asker is over the age of 15.

    >: D

  29. haha that would be nice since there filling up the whole section with teeny boppers they obviously need an outlet to be able to yak and chat all together and here isnt appropriate.. Maybe yahoo can put a new tag up saying talk here for hot stars at the moment. that way they can leave the rest of the site for other questions.

  30. But those are the best ones.

    ~ I Love Nick Jonas ~

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