
Should a male crossdresser use the men's or ladies' bathroom?

by  |  earlier

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I am arguing with my friend who's a cop, and he says they should use the men's BR, I say if it looks like a woman, walks like a woman, and wants to be a woman, why can't they use the women's BR? It's more private in the ladies' bathroom (individual stalls with doors that lock) and they sure aren't gonna make a pass at anybody in there!




  1. Awesome... your question gave me an idea... I'm not a cross dresser (yet) and wasn't planning on becoming one 5 minutes ago, but I'm on my way to Goodwill for some blouses and skirts... so that way, since I'll be dressed like a woman, I'll get to go into the women's restroom... and changing room at the swimming pool... thanks for the good idea; i'm sure the gals will just assume i've got a really big clitoris pokin out down there

    and to Sissy Space-Sick... truly straight men don't want to look like women; they want to look AT women. no straight man truly enjoys checkin out some skin across the way and realizing she's a man. it ruins my whole day to realize that was a dude whose *** i was staring at. i'm not g*y!

  2. nice theory, but MOST xdresser's R straight !  

  3. It ultimately depends on what their intentions are.  Most men who crossdress do so for fun, so those guys should still use the mens room.  However, for people living full time as the opposite s*x, such as transsexuals, they should use the womens bathroom.

  4. Hi...  This is indeed a "tender" area in our lifestyle and going out and about in public..

    Let me start off by saying, that  you can either win or be a huge "looser" if proper precautions are not used in your decision...

    First off.. If you use the men's washroom, you are going to come under much harrasment, and scorn, if not physical abuse.

    There are many out there who are just "itching" to do bodily harm to someone who doesn't conform to their way of life, and c/d s falls right into this category. Male washrooms are the last bastion of their god given right and NOTHING will take that away from them.

    On the other hand, if you use the women's facility, and one of them takes offense to you doing so,a legal situation may prevail, and if you are "brought up" on any charges related to same, it can get a bit "ugly" and expensive.

    A couple of years ago, my wife and I (again, I am  a c/d - t/v ) were taken into  a night club by another "couple" which we were told was c/d friendly, but my first "task" for the night after purchasng the first "round" of drinks was to make inquiries with management what their policy was as to usage of washrooms. I was advised that c/d s could use the women's washrooms

    So rule of thumb is to ALWAYS ask...!!!.

    Good Luck...


    Rachelle In High Heels

  5. i honestly can't remember the last time i used a men's room hmm... i have used the ladies room with a cop but the only thing she was worried about was where i got my purse so. im transsexual (live as woman) ,crossdressers just dress for fun.  

  6. LOL.  Although you make a VERY good point, I believe MEN should use the MENS room.  If we start making exceptions, weirdos will start taking advantage and start pervin!!!  :@)

  7. The answer really depends on the situation.

    Part of that depends on the place you are at.  And part depends on how well you pass.

    If you pass well, and it is a straight environment, then by all means use the ladies room.

    If you don't pass well and it is a straight environment, you are probably best off trying to hold it.

    If it's a g*y friendly environment, do whatever is the custom at the place you are at.

  8. A cop friend said if "its its got a p***s it needs to go to the mens if its got a vag to the girls."

    However, I believe that if their intentions are honest (c'mon... you know that SOME one will abuse this eventually; heterosexual males cross dressing just to go in the ladies' room) then I don't see an issue with it.

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