
Should a paintball gun be a good 11 year old birthday present he really wants one and he is responciple?

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Should a paintball gun be a good 11 year old birthday present he really wants one and he is responciple?




  1. i think he would be responsible for it, just have him wear a mask and have adult supervision, cause you never know whats going through a 11 year olds mind you never know what hes going to do with it.

  2. has he ever fired a real gun before? does he know how to be safe around guns? if you answered no to either of these questions, wait till he is 12 then get him a hunter safety course, its not so much about hunting but how to treat a gun. i wanna get a paintball gun soon, but i haven't had a hunter safety course yet, and I'm 13, but i have shot guns before and it is a lot of fun and i am good with them

  3. Yes, it is a very good birthday present. People think that paintball guns are dangerous but they are not as dangerous as you think. It is the safest action sport in the world so I think a paintball gun would be an excellent birthday present.

    And if I could make a suggestion; a spyder Extra is a perfect beginner gun.That was my first gun and I loved it and still love it. Now Im about to upgrade to a Tippman X7.

  4. just remember that a shot to the ear can deafen you, a shot to the nose can break it, and a shot to the eye can kill you.

  5. I think if you feel he is responsible enough i would start him with a tippman 98 costum because if he drops it or anything like that it is 1 of the most indestrucible gun's. They are not that expensive and a good gun for begginers it is also the most costomizible gun in the world so if he gets more into paintball you don't half to buy a new gun you can simply buy upgrades ex. resopnce trigger. Or you could take him to a place where they sell paintball guns ex. acadmey or any outdoor place and see if he wants to see what other tippman modles such as a alpha black which also has a stock but the 1 thing i would make shore if he is 11 years old is SAFTEY! Make shure he does not shoot at dogs or animals or anybody that dosn't have a mask on and isn't playing paintball with. Make shure they always where there mask when they are being shot at not really if they are target practcing. I don't know if you have acadmey where you live but if you do here are links for everything   and if wanted to look at the tippman modles

  6. no....and learn how to spell

    yea i want the points.....

  7. I think that would be fine, paintball guns are only dangerous if you use them wrong. Just make sure he always wears a mask and has his velocity below 300fps.

  8. I had my first gun at age 11, and was playing outlaw paintball (woodsball without rules) the week I got it. As long as he knows how to be safe when playing paintball (like wearing a mask), he will be fine.      

  9. No wait untill he is mature enough for a paintball gun... They can be quite dangerous. He isnt even a preeteen yet.

  10. Yea. Just make sure he knows all the safety precautions.

  11. At 11? Depends on whether you're the parent or not. Honestly, at 11, they seem nice and mature, but then they hit 13 and get angsty. Wait until they're 15-16, or until they've matured up. If you still want to give him a paintball gun, then what Aaron said goes doubly for me. The Tippman 98 Custom was the first gun I ever used, and it's still up there on my list. It's resilient, and won't suffer a scratch, even if it's slammed against something (by accident). The safeties, and its single fire simplicity is good for a beginner.

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