
Should a parent's love always be unconditional?

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Should a parent's love always be unconditional?




  1. Absolutely. I could never not love my son. I have a friend whose father disowned her when she got pregnant, mind you, she was 26 at the time. He stopped talking to her because she was not married and he did not like her boyfriend. It was very traumatic for her. Her son is now 2 and they have not spoken in almost 3 years. It is very sad.

    I could never ever do that to my son. I don't care what he does. If your love can just go away like that, you must not have really loved them in the first place.

  2. Yes... a parent should love their child even if their child does everything against the moral fiber of the being... parents shouldnt come with a list of love u when u do this or i dont love u when u do that...  

  3. Yes, it should be unconditional..... ALWAYS!!!!!!

  4. any parent that doesn't have unconditional love for their child must have something wrong with them....i will always love my kids unconditionally no matter what. i don't think i could not love them unconditionally even if i tried too.....  

  5. I shouldn't answer this one as I'm not a parent , but I feel that if you have a child you should love it to bits for life , you just have to ask what you wanted from your mum and dad.

    Yes I guess that's about it.

  6. Be a good daughter, the parents' love will be infinity unconditional.  

  7. Yes. A parent's love should always be unconditional. if you base your love on what they give you or how they do something, then you don't need to be a parent. It's the parents job to teach them how to become their own individual and be there for them when things go right and when things go wrong.

  8. Yes.

    Ok, they don't have to like you.  They don't have to be friends with you.  But at the end of the day, they should always be there for you at times of need.

    Saying that, I believe that for all family.  I don't get on with the majority of my family.  But if one of them needed any amount of help, even the ones I really don't know well/like much, I'd always want to be there for them.

    I don't know what it is, to be honest.

  9. yes totally  

  10. Of course love should be unconditional no matter what he child does!!

    My daughter Sara gets in trouble and i still love her anyways!!!  

  11. Of course. no matter what your child does they are still your child. should love them no matter what

  12. Yes.  But "Love" does not mean "willing to put up with c**p".

    The way I see it, when I declare that I love someone, I'm looking out for their best interests (as well as I can know them...)  Sometimes that leads me to speak very directly about an uncomfortable subject.  Sometimes I choose to stand back and let someone fall on their backside a lot because my leaping in to rescue them would actually make the problem worse.

    There are several people that I can honestly say I love (and genuinely wish well for), but simply cannot stand to have in my life.

  13. Yes. But all parents aren't like that. My mother refuses to speak to me.  

  14. I believe that you should and will always love your child.  You may not always like their actions and behavior but you will always love them.

  15. yes i think it should always be unconditional, now dont get me wrong, there are times when you may not like your child, but that doesnt mean you should stop loving them.  

  16. Yes, it should be unconditional.

  17. You would think so. I think I will always love my children no matter what they do. If they were to kill someone that would be tough but I believe that loving my children unconditionally now will prevent something like that from happening later. So yes a parents love should be unconditional. I will always love my children and help them in any way I can but that doesnt mean I always have to like their decisions.  

  18. yes, i think parents should love u no matter what

  19. I am not sure about should it be unconditional, but you will probably find it is unconditional.

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