
Should a parent ever force their daughter to place their child up for adoption....?

by Guest55568  |  earlier

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get an abortion or get married to boy that doesn't want kids just to save face with the conservative republicans?

Direct quotes from baby's father:

" I live to play hockey. I like to go camping and hang out with the boys, do some fishing, shoot some s- - - and just f - - -in' chillin' I guess."

"Ya f - - - with me I'll kick [your] ***," he added.

He also claims to be "in a relationship," but states, "I don't want kids."




  1. To answer your question, without going in to the direct quotes - no a parent should never force their daughter to place her child up for adoption. I don't see what the quote has to do with your question.

  2. if you dont want kids keep your zipper closed.

  3. A parent should never force their daughter (or son) to get married or place their child up for adoption. The daughter will only end up resenting her parents, and it's not likely that a shotgun wedding would last anyway. I think it's best to support their daughter and allow her to do what she feels best...if that's getting married then don't stand in the way, but forcing her to do something is just ridiculous and counter-productive.

    And to prevent situations like this it just shows that abstinence only education isn't as effective as republicans would like to believe it is...

  4. No, no one should force their daughter to do any of those things.

    But do you honestly think the reason Bristol Palin is pregnant is because she's dying to be a mother? Do you think, "Wow, she must have really wanted kids"? I mean, seriously. What significance does this quote even have, in the current situation? Is this supposed to be completely Bristol's responsibility because she's the one with the kid inside her, just because the dad wasn't wanting to be a father? Is he off the hook, and it's all on her?

    If not, why shouldn't he step up? Why shouldn't he want to form a permanent family with Bristol and the baby? Yes, he's an immature teen; so is she. If he's being responsible, being a man now that there's a child on the way, isn't that a good thing? Why is it just assumed that he couldn't possibly really want to do right by his child-- whatever he feels that entails-- because he was being a typical teenage boy on his Myspace page?

    Can you not imagine that this pregnancy might change his mind and make him rethink his priorities?

    Not all marriages based on a pregnancy are forced by the parents. If the teen parents think marriage is right, they are capable of making that decision on their own. I've seen it happen. If these two teens think that will be the best way to parent and support their baby-- why should we not support their decision? Some people really value marriage, including teens.

    I honestly don't get it. Isn't the child the man's responsibility as well as the woman's? Isn't biological family preservation exactly what's going on here? Why that suddenly bad and wrong because of who the family is?

    I'm sorry to be blunt and rude, but I'm sick of these poor kids taking potshot after potshot because the child's grandmother is a politician.

    I'm also sick of teens being stigmatized as irresponsible, and never able to be good parents. Do you think maybe that stigma might have something to do with why teens often feel pressured to relinquish their babies for adoption in the first place? Hm...

    ETA: I'm a staunch Democrat, so don't dismiss as me just agreeing with Sarah Palin. Palin and I disagree on pretty much every political issue imaginable. I still don't want to see a couple of teenagers stomped into the mud. That has nothing to do with my politics.

  5. I can answer this question plain, simple, and very detailed.  When it comes to a decision such as this one I don't believe a parent should force their daughter to make a decision like that.  If my parents would have forced me to marry the father of my first child, i'd be divorced.  He cheated on me and i found out he was cheating during my 7th month of pregnancy.  I was 21 when I had him...and he is an amazing little boy.  And for the person who said they would make their daughter put a child up for adoption because they don't want to raise their grandkids...that's just wrong.  I was in college, i wanted to continue but felt i needed to take responsibilities for my actions.  So i left school.  And i won't lie, my mother practically raised my son for the first few months of his life.  But I didn't know what the h**l i was doing and I am thankful to her for that.  But I live on my own and I have had two more kids since.  And I'm still not married.  If i had the money for a wedding i would be, but i don't.  I'm busy trying to provide for my children.  

    And as for the comments he made...find one teenager who doesn't talk like that and let me know.  I have a 17 year old brother who puts on a front just like that.  But he babysits my kids all the time...and you should see how great he is.  He is going to be a great father whenever the time comes for him.  Until then...he's just going to be that same teenager who acts sweet for mom and dad and then acts like a hard a** in front of the football team. I agree with everyone who says mind your own business...not you in general...but everyone who is judging this family for being in the spotlight.  I'm a democrat, but leave the family be...its no one elses business how they raise their kids.

  6. NO!!! they have no right to force adoption! it's not their baby, they can't do wat they want with the poor defenseless thing! only should the baby's grandmother suggest addoption! if neither want the baby than they can give it up. they are incharge of another humans life! they shouldn't get an abortion ever. no one should. u would kill some one u haven't even met. that would be like no one cares about it. wat if some one gave u up for adoption or got an abortion. u'd dye before u were even barely alive! that makes me sooo sad!!!

  7. Wow...I that's really sad. These people must have been teens? Again, wow. This is a good example of why you should wait until you are married to have children.

  8. Well duh!  If you don't want kids, maybe you shouldn't be having s*x at 16. Is it a real shocker when your teenage girlfriend gets pregnant?  To answer your question, yes. In some situations I think a parent does have the right to make their daughter give a child up for adoption. My daughter is 16 right now. She's very capable of becoming a mother. What famale isn' just have to have unprotected s*x. That's easy. Could she properly parent a child. No way. My husband and I would be raising the child (both of them), we would be providing for the child so our daughter could finish high school, we would be the ones doing pretty much everything we did for our own 2 daughters. I've made it clear to both of my kids that we had 2 KIDS....we are NOT going to raise our grandkids too. I will love my grandkids, I will spoil them in the same way that many grandparents spoil them, but I will not raise them and support them.  If my daughter were to get pregnant, the baby would be put up for adoption.  

  9. absolutely NOT! No matter how old the girl is, it's her baby! Not the parents, so it's her choice! I don't believe in abortion so that shouldn't even be an option. If she wants to keep her baby and raise it, it's your job as parents to be supportive. Not help raise the baby, but give your daughter love and support because she will need it. If she decides to give it up for adoption, it's your job to comfort her, because she will be very vulnerable and it will be a very difficult thing for her to do. But under no circumstances should a parent make the decision for her, this will only result in resentment. It's her choice! As for the father of the baby, he needs to get some sense knocked into him. What a loser!

  10. Legally, a parent cannot force a daughter to give her child up for adoption (even if she is under-aged).

    They can, however, refuse to help which in many cases would make life very difficult for that young mother.  

  11. MYOB!  Grow up!  Asking questions like that only shows you are not mature enough to vote.

    This is something that should not be discussed by people who are not family members.

    Those foul quotes are just adolescent MySpace rants. Ignore them.

  12. nope... and i'll bet real money homeboy says, "h**l effing naw!!! i just wanted to "hit that" not marry her and eat caribou hotdogs!

    but somehow, she'll use her power to make him do it. she's obviously good at abusing power.

    seriously, it's a shame that her daughter's uterus has become a political stage...


  13. To answer your question, no.

    BTW, this attempt to make a political question with a very shaky tie to adoption is getting tedious.  Post these questions on the Politics forum, where they belong.

  14. Being pregnant as a teenager is not the end of the world.  With a little family support, a young mother is perfectly capable of continuing her education and raising her own child.

    I know many who have done it, and no one's life was "ruined."  Worked out just fine.

    Forced adoption is as sickening as forced abortion.

  15. It should never bee up to the parent unless the child is under the age of 16. I am never for abortion at any age. IF they are old enough to have s*x they are old enough to deal with what comes along with having s*x. If they do not want the baby put it up for adoption. They should not have to get married. A marriage is not just about kids. It is about two people who love each other. If there is no love there will be no marriage and the baby will suffer because of it.

  16. Wow.  Now, there's a marriage that will surely last the test of time.

    I'm appalled that anyone would insist that a girl live a life of misery with the wrong guy just because she got pregnant.  So, you made one mistake now go marry the guy and live a life of mistakes?  It saddens me.  It saddens me even more that they have made this a political show.  Poor girl.  This must be so humiliating for her.

  17. Like alot of teenage pregnancies 80% of the teenage pregnancies were not planned.  I do not think any teenage boy would have on his myspace account.  "I want tons of kids".  But when that 80% has it happen to them their life changes.  

  18. While I have NO idea what you're asking, I'm going to agree since it sort of seems like you're badmouthing republicans.

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