
Should a person be free to act as they wish in public places...?

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Hypothetical Situation: Mrs Smith goes to a high class restaurant and, speaking to the staff in a courteous manner, orders a meal... When it arrives she chooses to sit underneath the table and eat with her fingers... She is promptly asked to leave. If she refuses, security is called and she is forcibly removed. Mrs Smith was not be posing a threat to anyone and had full intention to pay for her food and service.


Should a person be free to act as they wish in public places, providing that their behaviour does not put any person at risk, even if this behaviour defies the norms and conventions of society?

I ask this because sometimes I feel very frustrated by the limitations imposed on me by the expectations of society. I do not feel at liberty to act as I wish because behaviour which is not considered to be normal is considered often to be inappropriate or threatening and consequently sanctioned.




  1. if you not bothering anyone, you should behave the way you want, i think everyone has there own ideas on whats normal, so who gets to decide what is,

    i personally hate society, and want no part in it

  2. two words - health regulations.

  3. I thought about your question for a little bit and in this particular situation the guy that said "health regulations" is partially right if you think about it even though I would like to disagree.  I guess restaurants have to cover their behinds from people suing.  You never know what someone will sue for these days, just check it out yourself.  Type in "can I sue" in the search box above and you'll find some ridiculous things.  I believe that people like Mrs. Smith should be able to do as they please but should  be ready for any so-called "normal" person's rude stares and comments.  My point is, is that anyone who chooses to eat under the table like Mrs. Smith could possibly come down with some illness whether it was from the restaurant or not, and blame it on anyone but herself.  Hopefully I helped :)

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