
Should a person be more interested in economic advisors’ positive views or normatives? Why?

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Should a person be more interested in economic advisors’ positive views or normatives? Why?




  1. Economics is not an exact science. Although mathematicians try and make it such. Goood healthy debate is essential in formulating economic policy going forward.

  2. By their ability to distinguish between the two.

    Most economic advisers give advice on the basis of their normative views. If you agree with their values, then the proposals might be reasonable, but even then, they might not be politically feasible or desirable.

    Someone who can distinguish between normative and positive can not only give you advice that moves in the direction you want to go, but can also evaluate alternatives more realistically, adjust to political realities, etc.

    After all, people trained as economists tend to view all problems as economic ones. But essentially no problem is entirely economic, and you need people who can see that and help you bridge the divide.

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